JUNE, 3RD 2002 - ConstitutionNet

JUNE, 3RD 2002 - ConstitutionNet

JUNE, 3RD 2002 - ConstitutionNet


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performing MPS ile mbunge ambaye hawezi kufanya kazi yake vile anatakikanwa tunataka sisi wanainchi tupewe empowerment<br />

ya kuondoa yeye kwa kiti.<br />

Alafu mambo ya pande ya political parties mimi nataka mapolitical parties yote wapatiwe pesa ya kitu kama public fund we<br />

want a funding of all political parties alafu mambo ya civil servants teachers mimi nataka weekly wages to be introduce for civil<br />

servant na constitution in order to cut corruption and to bring efficiency. Hizo ndio maoni yangu nasema asanteni sana.<br />

Com. Swazuri: Abdulahid Abdulla yule kule.<br />

Abduwahid Abdulla: Asante salam aleikhum. Mimi kwa majina naitwa Abduwahi Alan Abdulla yangu siyo mengi ni machache<br />

tu, Ya kwanza nitaongea juu ya nidhamu ya serikali yaani formation of the government vile system ambayo tunaitaka ile system<br />

ambayo tunaitaka serikali ichaguliwe nadhamu ya kwanza ambayo ilikuwa mbeleni ilikuwa raia inakubaliwa tu wachague bunge<br />

other formation hatuna habari sasa tunataka hivi constitution ikuwe ipate nadhamu ya kuwa ipatika nadhamu yetu ya kuwa raisi<br />

asichague head of civil servant pekee yake yaani ipatikane wapunge kati ya wapunge ipatikane a special commission ambaye<br />

watachagua Head of Civil Servant Head of Judiciary hata kama ni port authority kwa vile resource muhimu hi political position.<br />

mtu ambaye anashikilia mahali nzuri ndio anatuangamiza tunaisha sas lazima ipatikane katika bunge special commission ambayo<br />

wanachagua head of civil servants hata kama labda mimi ni –(inaudible)----- ya port authority judiciary all those things<br />

(inaudible)--------------------<br />

Ya pili under education katika Kenya kuna three types of education sisi ambaye tunajua mambo ya Waislamu upande ya<br />

Waislamu kuna system moja ya madarasa ambayo serikali ya Kenya hafahamu ama they don’t recognise tunataka Constitution<br />

ipatie fursa ya kwamba hio kama wanainchi wa Kenya pia wa to be recognized tutampulishwe teachers to be paid and special<br />

service commission to be formed under Ministry of Education ambayo inahudumia both certificate and paying are also included<br />

in the pay role yaani pande ya elimu ya madarasa.<br />

Ya tatu Kadhi is going to be strengthen in powered kwa vile sisi sasa tunajua ya kwamba Kadhis Court wana the only rule<br />

three cases ambayo ni divorce, engagement and adultery mambo ya inheritance tunataka other immoralities like abuses drugness<br />

adultery yote iongezwe ili apate fursa na apate jukumu kubwa katika Islamic community. Ile ingine ya secular education pande<br />

ya Ministry of Education tunataka pia hii system ya 8-4-4 ibadilishwe ikuwe continuous way of education yaani hakuna mambo<br />

ya form four O level yaani continuos mpaka university yaani mambo ya to make people fail katikati unafika standard eight<br />

people have become failier someboduy might lose hope sasa instead of giving them, demorolise them we make a system<br />

continuous system standard one to eight form one to form four university yaani hakuna mambo ya failier continuous work tutupe<br />

mambo ya 8-4-4 system asanteni sana<br />

Com. Swazuria: Ali korisa hayuko? Abdirahim Adawa Ishmael Ahmed Lakicha/.<br />

Ismael Ahmed Lakicha: Asante kwa kunipatia hii nafasi.<br />

Translator: (Somali dialect Translation)<br />

Ishmael Ahmed: Magaceiga waxa wayey Ismail Ahmed waan kasoctha Garikorome.<br />

Translator: Anaitwa Ishmael Ahamed Lakicha.<br />

Ishmael Ahmed: Gara koromey wa dhad thagago Mandera galey.<br />

Translator: Anawakilisha kabila ingine ya huko (inaudible) ----------- anaitwa Garikorome ambaye anaishi area hii.<br />


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