14.11.2014 Aufrufe

TRIGOS CSR rechnet sich - Institut für ökologische ...

TRIGOS CSR rechnet sich - Institut für ökologische ...

TRIGOS CSR rechnet sich - Institut für ökologische ...


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In addition, an excel tool for the assessment of the costs of fluctuation and costs and<br />

benefit of activities to improve the work life balance of employees has been<br />

developed and applied in some companies.<br />

All this resulted in an overview on how corporations see the benefits of <strong>CSR</strong>, how<br />

they implement their activities and relate them to their overall strategy and in an<br />

assessment of costs and benefits of selected projects. Different tools, indicators and<br />

approaches to assess <strong>CSR</strong> effects were discussed and tested.<br />

The value of the project for demonstration, dissemination and follow up is great, on a<br />

national as well as on an international level. As it was able to show in recent years,<br />

that not environmental protection is expensive, but neglecting environmental<br />

protection becomes expensive, likewise the projects aims to provide the<br />

methodological ground as well as Austrian case studies to show that a similar winwin-situation<br />

exists for corporate social responsibility.<br />


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