19.02.2015 Aufrufe

Winter/zima 2007/2008 - Pavelhaus

Winter/zima 2007/2008 - Pavelhaus

Winter/zima 2007/2008 - Pavelhaus


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Introduction – Sixty-years later<br />

For sixty years Maria Lackner had a<br />

conscious doubt that she did not gave<br />

enough. She felt that by giving more<br />

she would have helped and saved<br />

more suffering slave laborers. She<br />

carried that burden on her shoulders<br />

for sixty years.<br />

Sechzig Jahre lang litt Maria Lackner<br />

unter der Vorstellung, sie habe nicht<br />

genug getan. Sie dachte, sie hätte eine<br />

größere Anzahl Zwangsarbeiter retten<br />

können, wenn sie nur mehr gegeben<br />

hätte. Sechzig Jahre lang hatte sie<br />

diese Last mit sich herumgetragen.<br />

Introduction – Sixty-years later<br />

<br />

Sandor Vandor<br />

Sixty–years later, accompanied by my younger son, I revisited St. Anna again. I came to say thank<br />

you to the citizenry for helping Hungarian Jewish forced laborers and especially for helping me<br />

to stay alive. Mayor Josef Weinhandl facilitated the venue for me saying thank you for the community<br />

for saving my life in 1945. I told my story to Middle School fourth grade students in<br />

their classes. Besides the community in general, in my case, Mrs. Maria Lackner was outstanding<br />

among the villagers. Maria Lackner took the biggest risk on herself and on her entire household<br />

while providing food. Maria Lackner grabbed my arm and grabbed my comrade’s arm and pulled<br />

us inside the house. She kept us inside the house while we ate her prepared food, and egg sandwich<br />

with apple cider. She prepared food for us when the food was in short supply in the villages. Also<br />

she gave us apples to take with us for later. Maria Lackner had a helper, her cousin Martha. She<br />

opened the door for us and Martha spied the streets, she signaled, clear and safe before we were let<br />

go from the house.<br />

For sixty years Maria Lackner had a conscious doubt that she did not gave enough. She felt that<br />

by giving more she would have helped and saved more suffering slave laborers. She carried that<br />

burden on her shoulders for sixty years. With Mrs. Elisabeth Weinhandl, the Mayor’s wife facilitating,<br />

Maria Lackner and I were reunited. My son, Ron and me, we verbally painted the Vandor<br />

family tree, showing that I have 2 children, 5 grandchildren and 1 great-grandchild. Thus, we<br />

showed Mrs. Lackner how far her apples went. With that she was able to unload the heavy burden<br />

from her shoulders. The following moments she was tearing from happiness, when the photographer<br />

captured tears running down her cheeks. Captured her tears on camera for prosperity.<br />

On 17 March <strong>2007</strong>, Yad Vashem sent a letter of recognition to Maria Lackner. In that letter Yad<br />

Vashem expresses thanks and appreciation to Maria Lackner for her humane act, which helped<br />

the victims to survive during the Holocaust. Her humanitarian deed at a time of great sufferings<br />

of the Jewish people will remain enshrined in Yad Vashem’s records so that it will inspire future<br />

generations.<br />

Sandor Vandor<br />


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