ovdje - Hrvatsko filozofsko društvo

ovdje - Hrvatsko filozofsko društvo

ovdje - Hrvatsko filozofsko društvo


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sophical thought, an original teaching within the Muslim world. Intellectual<br />

creativity of the brotherhood Ihwanus-Safa is based on the constitutive<br />

traditions of Islam (Qur’an and Sunna) as the primary source, but also<br />

on pre-Socratic philosophical heritage, earning an unusual source of inspiration<br />

and thought to the followers of the mentioned circuit. Certainly,<br />

besides the theological issues, a significant portion of such intellectual engagement<br />

has been focused on issues of cosmology, ethics and bioethics, as<br />

it is evident from the text of their treatises The Case of the Animals versus<br />

Man before the King of the Jinn that will be the object of analysis in this<br />

article.<br />

The first part of the paper is briefly designated to the historic role of<br />

the brotherhood Ihwanus-Safa and their importance and intellectual contribution<br />

to the Islamic philosophical and theological discourse. In addition,<br />

a portion of the text discusses the role of learning in the Pythagorean philosophy<br />

within Ihwanus-Safa and the importance of spiritual sources from<br />

which they drew inspiration and unusual intellectual boosts. The second<br />

part of the paper treats the contents of the treaty (Ar. risala) The Case of<br />

the Animals versus Man before the King of the Jinn – which reflects their<br />

teaching on the sanctity of life within the totality of creation – with special<br />

reference to the animal and plant world.<br />


Filozofski fakultet, Sveučilište J. J. Strossmayera u Osijeku, Hrvatska /<br />

Philosophische Fakultät, J.-J.-Strossmayer-Universität Osijek, Kroatien<br />



Autor razmatra shvaćanje subjekta ugrađeno u same temelje moderniteta<br />

koji se iz bioetičke perspektive imenuje »Baconovim dobom« ili<br />

znanstveno-tehničkom civilizacijom. Samoodređenje moralnog subjekta,<br />

na klasičan način iskazano u Kantovu djelu, počiva na nepremostivom<br />

proturječju. Naime, problem je u tome što se od moralnog subjekta traži<br />

da svoje djelovanje u potpunosti podredi principima koji su izvan sfere<br />

postojećeg, te da konstituirajući samog sebe istodobno mijenja još-ne-moralnu<br />

zbilju. Hegel smatra da se to proturječje prevladava ukidanjem relacije<br />


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