ovdje - Hrvatsko filozofsko društvo

ovdje - Hrvatsko filozofsko društvo

ovdje - Hrvatsko filozofsko društvo


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loga zbog kojih određeni filozofi nisu odobravali žrtvovanje životinja i<br />

njihovo korištenje u prehrani. Najprije, to su razlozi u kojima se naglašava<br />

intrinzično srodstvo životinja i ljudi, a koji impliciraju da je životinje iz<br />

supstancijalnih razloga nepravedno ubijati i jesti. Neki filozofi su, zatim,<br />

mislili da konzumiranje posebnih životinja može narušiti bliskost bogova<br />

i ljudi odnosno da je svojevrsni vegetarijanski modus življenja neophodan<br />

preduvjet za čovjekovo uzdizanje do boga. Treća grupa razloga utemeljena<br />

je na tezi da odustajanje od uništavanja životinja potiče mirotvorstvo,<br />

smanjuje mogućnost dehumanizacije ljudi i pojavu kanibalizma među<br />

njima. Konačno, autori su utvrdili i razloge contra upotrebe životinja u<br />

prehrambene svrhe koji su imali pragmatičan prizvuk, kao u slučaju zabranjivanja<br />

da se jedu tzv. radne životinje.<br />



In this paper the authors are analysing the attitudes of ancient philosophers<br />

who opposed to the animal oblations or refused to eat animal meat.<br />

The analysis of preserved documents has shown that there were several<br />

groups of reasons for the sake of which certain philosophers did not approve<br />

of the animal sacrifice and of the use of animals as food. Firstly,<br />

there are reasons emphasising the intrinsic kinship of animals and humans,<br />

implying that it is substantially unjust to kill and eat animals. Some philosophers,<br />

furthermore, thought that consumption of specific animals might<br />

hinder the closeness of gods and men, i.e. that a kind of vegetarian mode<br />

of living is a necessary precondition for man’s transcendence to god. The<br />

third group of reasons is based on the thesis that relinquishing of the animal<br />

killing encourages peacemaking, reduces the possibility of dehumanization<br />

of men and of the appearance of cannibalism among them. Finally, the<br />

authors have also identified the reasons contra the use of animals as food,<br />

which had a pragmatic tone, for example such as prohibition of eating the<br />

so-called working animals.<br />


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