Episode Guide - inaf iasf bologna

Episode Guide - inaf iasf bologna

Episode Guide - inaf iasf bologna


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Once Upon A Time <strong>Episode</strong> <strong>Guide</strong><br />

introduces himself as Killian Jones and asks why Rumplestiltskin is there, and Rumplestiltskin<br />

explains that they have his wife. Killian says that he has a ship of men that need companionship<br />

but says that, as a man of honor, he will duel for her. Rumplestiltskin refuses to pick up the<br />

sword and wonders what he can tell Bae, and Killian tells him to inform his son that he’s a<br />

coward.<br />

In the mines, Leroy and the other dwarves mine for fairy dust. David is working there as well<br />

and Henry watches as Ruby brings them lunch. After a few minutes of work, David tells Leroy<br />

that he’s going back to town to take over as the sheriff for the time being until Emma comes<br />

back.<br />

Gold goes to Belle’s room and discovers that she’s slipped out of the window. He goes to see<br />

Moe French, Belle’s father, who complains that she’s missing because of the deal he made with<br />

Gold. When Moe wonders why Gold is there, Gold says that he just wants to know if Belle is safe.<br />

Moe calls Gold a monster and says that now neither one of them know if Belle is safe.<br />

Years later, Rumplestiltskin is contacted by a man in a red cap, William, who offers him a<br />

magic bean that will transport him between worlds. The imp is interested and William explains<br />

that a ship that returned from a far-off land with such a treasure. When William says that<br />

he knows about Rumplestiltskin’s past, Rumplestiltskin chokes him off and then asks what he<br />

wants. William says that he wants eternal life and Rumplestiltskin agrees to revert him to a<br />

child... but warns that he will age him to dust if he fails to find the bean. Once William leaves,<br />

Killian and his crew come in and Rumplestiltskin asks the waitress for a drink.<br />

Belle goes to the diner and orders three iced teas. When Ruby serves her, Belle admits that<br />

she’s been a kept woman until recently and Ruby offers her a room at Granny’s. Belle accepts<br />

but says that she really needs a life and a job. When Belle says that she likes books, Ruby<br />

suggests that she apply at the library now that it’s opening back up since the end of Regina’s<br />

mayorship. Belle goes there and discovers that the place is boarded up, but she peers in through<br />

the windows and catches a glimpse of the books inside. William comes up behind her, confirms<br />

who she is, and then grabs her.<br />

Rumplestiltskin follows Killian and his crew back to their ship, but they turn around and<br />

demand to know why he’s following them.<br />

They see his skin and call him a crocodile at first, but Rumplestiltskin removes his hood and<br />

Killian recognizes him.<br />

Rumplestiltskin introduces himself as the Dark One and the rest of the crew back away while<br />

the imp demands to know how Milah is doing. Killian claims not to recognize the name at first<br />

but finally says that she died a long time ago. He asks what Rumplestiltskin wants and the imp<br />

challenges him to a duel at dawn the next morning... and that Killian should prepare himself for<br />

death. Rumplestiltskin promises to hunt him down if he tries to escape and gut his entire crew.<br />

Gold comes to see David and apologizes for the mistake he made earlier. He reports Belle as<br />

missing and David realizes that she’s the one that he once mentioned he love. When David asks<br />

why he didn’t use a tracking spell, Gold admits that he doesn’t own anything belonging to her.<br />

He also admits that he doesn’t know if she ran away or if something happened to her. He appeals<br />

to David, saying that he can understand what he’s going through.<br />

As the sun rises, Killian walks back to his ship when Rumplestiltskin drops a sword in front<br />

of him and tells him to begin. Killian says that there’s no need but Rumplestiltskin drops down,<br />

taking Killian’s own sword to kill him with. They fight and Rumplestiltskin clearly has the upper<br />

hand because of his powers. The imp finally disarms Killian, who tells Rumplestiltskin to get it<br />

over with it. However, Rumplestiltskin says that he will teach him some of the hopeless that he<br />

felt and jams his hand into Killian’s chest. However, Milah emerges from the shadows and tells<br />

Rumplestiltskin to stop.<br />

William takes Belle to a shed and explains that he procures hard-to-find objects. Her father<br />

Moe comes in and apologizes for taking such measures, but insists that he had no choice when<br />

he realized Gold had her captive. Belle explains that she chose to be with him and admits that<br />

she fell in love with Gold. However, she admits that it may be over and Moe asks her to promise<br />

not to see Gold again. She objects, saying that it’s her life, and Moe tells William to take her<br />

away.<br />

Gold watches as David questions the townspeople but none of them want to help. As they go<br />

to Granny’s, Gold asks David about how it works between him and Mary Margaret. David says<br />

that they completely honest between them.<br />


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