Episode Guide - inaf iasf bologna

Episode Guide - inaf iasf bologna

Episode Guide - inaf iasf bologna


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Once Upon A Time <strong>Episode</strong> <strong>Guide</strong><br />

Dreamy the dwarf approaches Belle and thanks him for her advice, and says that he and Nova<br />

are planning to run off together. He overhears Alistair talking and suggests that Belle go with the<br />

hunting party. Belle believes that she’ll be safer in her library and admits that the last time she<br />

faced a beast, it didn’t go well for her. As the hunters leave, Dreamy tells Belle that she should<br />

take a chance, and Belle agrees. As she starts to leave, Dreamy gives Belle a pack of fairy dust<br />

and assures her that the good magic could come in handy. Smiling, he tells her to go be a hero.<br />

When Bell goes back to the library, she finds Hook reading a book. She soon recognizes him as<br />

the man who broke into her cell at the Evil Queen’s castle and tries to run. When Hook intercepts<br />

her, Belle drops a bookshelf on him and hides in the elevator, closing the door behind her. She<br />

calls Gold on her cell phone but the metal prevents most of her message from going out. Despite<br />

that, Gold realizes that she’s in danger.<br />

As the hunting parties travels across the land, Belle sits in the back of the wagon and reads<br />

her book. Alistair asks how that will help and Belle tells them that she should be able to find the<br />

beast based on the writings. She tells Alistair that the Yaoguai lives near a lake and he kicks her<br />

off the wagon and tosses her the book, satisfied that she’s provided as much help as she can.<br />

Smiling, Belle checks the book and confirms what she really knew: that the Yaoguai dwells in<br />

mountain caves. She finds the entrance to the Yaoguai’s lair and draws her knife. The creature<br />

comes charging out at her but Mulan opens fire on it, driving it off. The warrior goes to Belle and<br />

complains that she ruined their hunt, but Belle insists that she knows where they can find the<br />

creature. Angry, Mulan tells her to stay out of her way.<br />

After a few moments, Hook stops pounding on the elevator door and goes away. Gold arrives<br />

and gets Belle out, assuring her that she’s safe now.<br />

The townspeople go to Mary Margaret’s apartment for Archie’s wake, and Henry tells Emma<br />

that he isn’t hungry. Emma talks to her mother, who assures Emma that she did everything that<br />

she could. Leroy comes over and, speaking for the dwarves, asks when they will return to the<br />

Enchanted Forest. Now that Archie is dead, they’re worried that it isn’t as safe in Storybrooke as<br />

they believed.<br />

Also, they are concerned that an outsider will eventually come to Storybrooke and realize who<br />

they are. Emma doesn’t see cause for concern but Leroy notes that they’d also like to see the<br />

outside world and benefit from modern technology.<br />

As Gold takes Belle to the shop, he insists that she stay there for her own safety. Belle wants<br />

to know why Hook wants him dead and Gold reluctantly admits that Hook took his wife Milah<br />

away, and then she died. He refuses to provide more details, including his own involvement, and<br />

they go into the shop. Gold is shocked discover that Hook has already been there, having lured<br />

Gold out by attacking Belle and letting her make the call.<br />

Nearby, Hook watches Gold and Belle from a rooftop and smiles in satisfaction. Smee arrives<br />

with Bae’s shawl and Hook assures him that Gold is now trapped in Storybrooke.<br />

Gold smashes the counters in a fury when he realizes that Hook has taken Bae’s shawl. Belle<br />

blames herself but Gold assures her that Hook wants him. She offers to help but Gold warns her<br />

that she’s out of her league and to go back to the library so that he doesn’t lose her as well. He<br />

gives Belle his gun to protect herself in case Hook comes after her again. As Gold leaves, Belle<br />

tries to make him promise just to get the shawl, but he leaves without saying anything.<br />

When Belle goes to the nearby village, Alistair and one of his men find her and attack her,<br />

angry that she tricked them into going to the lake. Mulan arrives and drives them off, although<br />

one of them manages to wound her in the leg. Belle thanks Mulan for her help and Mulan says<br />

that she fought with men who didn’t believe she was capable. She tells Belle that they should<br />

hunt the Yaoguai together since Belle knows how to find it. Belle agrees, glad to help her new<br />

friend.<br />

Belle goes back to the library to clean up and finds a knotted piece of rope that Hook dropped.<br />

Looking it up in a book, Belle confirms that it is a knot found on a sailing ship and realizes that<br />

Hook’s ship is in the harbor.<br />

Gold tracks down Smee and demands to know where Hook is. The pirate’s lieutenant admits<br />

that Hook didn’t tell him what he had planned next. Convinced, Gold tells Smee that he’s a<br />

sniveling rat and transforms him into a rat.<br />

Belle goes to the dock and eventually spots gulls perched on the invisible ship’s mast. Using<br />

some sand, she makes out the stairs and boards the ship, passing through the invisibility spell’s<br />

edges. She searches below decks and hears Archie calling for help.<br />


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