Episode Guide - inaf iasf bologna

Episode Guide - inaf iasf bologna

Episode Guide - inaf iasf bologna


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Once Upon A Time <strong>Episode</strong> <strong>Guide</strong><br />

As they walk through town, Mary-Margaret suggests to Emma that they talk about her life<br />

and everything that has happened. Emma says that she needs a little time. Archie runs down<br />

the street and explains that Whale has whipped everyone into a frenzy against Regina.<br />

The others agree, figuring that Regina could have her powers back and might slaughter them<br />

all.<br />

At Aurora’s castle, Mulan paces outside while Phillip and Aurora talk. She notices something<br />

nearby and draws her sword as the building shakes. A black robed figure with glowing eyes<br />

bursts through the floor and attacks, and Phillip runs over to slashes at it. He cuts off the<br />

amulet it wears around its neck and it flees, and Phillip warns the others that it’s something<br />

bad. He picks up the amulet and looks carefully at it.<br />

Gold takes Belle back to his pawnshop to find her something to wear. He goes into the back,<br />

unlocks a cabinet, and takes out a small gold case. Opening it, Gold removes the amulet and<br />

looks carefully at it.<br />

Whale and the mob pound on the door of Regina’s home. She finally comes out, smiling,<br />

and asks if she can help. Whale promises to make her suffer but Regina shoves her back and<br />

prepares to cast a spell, but realizes that she’s powerless. As the mob moves in, Emma barges in<br />

and stops them, and David reminds them that Emma saved them. Henry asks Emma not to let<br />

them kill his adoptive mother and she promises that she won’t let Regina come to harm. Whale<br />

says that they’re not part of the world but David says that they are now. He asks who Whale<br />

really is but Whale refuses to tell him. Mary-Margaret points out that Regina’s death won’t give<br />

them any answers but says that they should lock her up.<br />

Emma and the others take Regina to the jail and Regina explains that they didn’t go back<br />

because there is nothing to go back to.<br />

They realize that they need to talk to Gold and leave. Once she’s alone, Regina tries to open<br />

the lock with a spell but nothing happens. Gold comes in and tells her that magic is different in<br />

the real world. He tells her that she is safe because of his promise to Belle, who Regina kept alive<br />

for a fate worse than death. Gold promises her the same thing for her, grabs her hand, and slaps<br />

the amulet onto her palm.<br />

Mulan explains that the creature is a Qui Shen, a wraith and introduces herself to Aurora.<br />

Phillip explains that they fought battles together, and Mulan says that the wraith marks its<br />

victims and then feeds on their souls, damning them for all eternity. They all avoided the mark<br />

and Mulan says that they need to begin their journey. As she walks away, Phillip assures Aurora<br />

that they’ll be safe with their people... and hides the mark on his hand that he acquired when he<br />

picked up the wraith’s amulet.<br />

Gold walks into the woods and drops the amulet on the ground. He then holds up his dagger<br />

and summons the creature, driving it into the ground.<br />

In the jail, Regina wakes up and discovers that the mark of the amulet is now burned into her<br />

hand.<br />

The wraith emerges from the amulet and flies off.<br />

Once Emma sends Ruby off with Henry, Mary-Margaret insists on talking with her daughter,<br />

mother to daughter. Emma agrees and says that her parents sent her away for 28 years, leaving<br />

her alone. Mary-Margaret points out that she would have been cursed but Emma says that at<br />

least they would have been together and goes to find Gold.<br />

In the woods, Mulan suggests that they camp for the night because that is when the wraith<br />

hunts. Phillip agrees and they settle in.<br />

Aurora tries to talk to Phillip and notices that he’s nervous, but he kisses her and says that<br />

he’s going to gather wood for the fire. Once his back is turned, Phillip lets a single tear fall.<br />

Emma, David, and Mary-Margaret confront Gold at his shop and demand answers. They have<br />

questions for him and points out that he endangered Henry, and Gold points out that Henry is<br />

alive, the curse is broken, and Emma is reunited with her parents. However, he refuses to tell<br />

them why he brought their identities back. The town suddenly shakes and they run outside to<br />

look as the electrical wires break and a roaring noise echoes in the distance. Gold tells them that<br />

it will take care of Regina for them and they go.<br />

Before she leaves, Emma tells Gold that they’re not done and he agrees, reminding her that<br />

she owes him a favor. Once they’re gone, Belle emerges from the back and accuses him of lying<br />

to her. Gold insists that he will keep his word and that he won’t kill Regina.<br />


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