Episode Guide - inaf iasf bologna

Episode Guide - inaf iasf bologna

Episode Guide - inaf iasf bologna


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Once Upon A Time <strong>Episode</strong> <strong>Guide</strong><br />

palace, where they spent their honeymoon. Charming agrees and goes to make preparations for<br />

the trip. Grumpy, having overheard the conversation, comes in and assures Snow that the castle<br />

is secure. He wonders what she’s up to and Snow admits that there’s something at the summer<br />

palace that will defeat Regina once and for all.<br />

As the others glance nervously at the Jolly Roger’s black sail, Gold assures them that the<br />

Shadow is trapped and only Pan can free it. As he shows them Pandora’s Box, Pan walks over<br />

to Felix and says that releasing the trapped Henry isn’t the problem. He then calls out that Felix<br />

needs to be punished, as a ploy to convince everyone he is who he appears. David takes Felix<br />

to jail and Emma tells Pan that he’s safe now. Gold then takes Pandora’s Box to his shop and<br />

magically seals it in a floor compartment, and tells everyone that he will never release ”Pan” from<br />

his prison.<br />

Later, Belle and Gold are alone and she asks what they’re going to do now. Gold admits that<br />

he hasn’t considered the future because of the prophecy that Henry would destroy him, and Belle<br />

says that now they have guaranteed a future together.<br />

Everyone gathers at the diner to celebrate and Emma gives Pan Henry’s Storybrooke. He<br />

doesn’t know what it is and Emma realizes that he’s acting oddly. Meanwhile, Hook watches<br />

Emma from the bar and Neal comes over to ask him why he’s there. Hook says that for Henry’s<br />

sake, he’s going to call of his romantic pursuit of Emma... for the moment. Neal doesn’t believe<br />

him but Hook assures him that he is. However, he points out that Emma may not be so willing<br />

to let Neal back in his life after he walked off the last time.<br />

Tinker Bell and Regina go over to the Mother Superior and Regina orders her to give the<br />

Tinker Bell her wings back in return for help. When the former fairy holds up the vial of pixie<br />

dust and admits that she can’t get it to light up again, the Mother Superior says that she can’t<br />

do it because Tinker Bell doesn’t believe in herself... and neither does she.<br />

Emma watches as ”Henry” flips through the Storybrooke, and Neal comes over to invite her<br />

out to lunch the next day. He makes it clear that if she doesn’t come then he’ll stop pursuing<br />

her. As he goes over to his ”son,” Mary Margaret and David come over and, having overheard,<br />

tell Emma that she should find some happiness for herself. However, Emma says that Henry has<br />

to come first. As she walks away, David tells Mary Margaret that their daughter reminds him of<br />

someone.<br />

The royal couple arrive at the summer palace and Charming is eager to get started on their<br />

honeymoon. Snow tells him that she has something special planned and that they can wait until<br />

then. When Charming goes to the stable the horses, Snow gets out her weapons and sneaks out<br />

the back away. However, she finds Charming waiting for her in the forest, well aware of that she’s<br />

up to. Snow explains that there is a legend of a creature known as Medusa living in a nearby<br />

cave. Medusa could transform someone into stone by looking into their eyes, and Snow plans to<br />

cut off the creature’s head and show it to Regina. Charming agrees to the plan as long as he goes<br />

with her, and insists that she relax and enjoy their honeymoon once they’ve succeeded.<br />

Emma tells Pan that it’s time for bed and they say goodnight to Regina. Pan, seeing his<br />

opportunity, asks if he can say overnight with Regina and Emma reluctantly agrees. Regina<br />

leaves with her son and Mary Margaret, listening in, tells her daughter that it’s a natural reaction<br />

on ”Henry”’s part and everything is fine.<br />

Once he’s alone in Henry’s room, Pan goes through Henry’s things. Regina tells him that it’s<br />

time for bed and Pan asks if she brought the vault over with her from the Enchanted Forest.<br />

He claims that he may want the magic to protect himself if ”Pan” ever escapes, but Regina tells<br />

him that magic isn’t the answer. She assures him that the vault is dangerous and that she will<br />

protect him from any danger. Once she leaves, Pan goes to the window and says that it’s time,<br />

and then frees the Shadow from the ship’s sail.<br />

As Charming hacks his way through the forest, Snow wonders if he’s mad at her and he<br />

assures her that he’s not. He does wonder if Medusa’s victims can be cured, and Snow says that<br />

the only way to do so is to kill the immortal Medusa. Her husband points out that Snow refused<br />

to execute Regina when she had the chance, and wonders why she’s eager to do so now. Snow<br />

notes that Regina threatened the entire kingdom this time, not just them, but Charming thinks<br />

that there’s more to it than that. Before Snow can answer, they arrive at Medusa’s cave and go<br />

inside.<br />

The next day at the diner, Mary Margaret and David are eating when Gold gives David the<br />

elixir that will cure the dreamshade poisoning. David wonders what he wants for it and Gold<br />


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