Episode Guide - inaf iasf bologna

Episode Guide - inaf iasf bologna

Episode Guide - inaf iasf bologna


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Once Upon A Time <strong>Episode</strong> <strong>Guide</strong><br />

Later, Regina goes to the diner for breakfast and Graham comes in. He asks if she wants<br />

him to come over later and she agrees. Owen comes over and asks Regina if she likes the apple<br />

pancakes, and the mayor tries to work out who he is. Kurt comes over and introduces himself,<br />

and apologizes for Owen being so forward. He asks to rent a hotel room for the night and Granny<br />

directs him to her boarding house. Meanwhile, Regina asks Graham if she knows who the Flynns<br />

are and he admits that he doesn’t.<br />

In the present, Regina goes to the family vault to place a rose on Cora’s coffin. Gold comes<br />

and explains that Cora will always have a place on his heart. As he places a rose on the coffin<br />

next to Regina’s Regina asks why he killed Cora if he loved her, and Gold admits that he was<br />

desperate. Regina vows to kill Mary Margaret for killing Cora, but Gold warns her that if she<br />

does then Regina will lose Henry when she kills the boy’s grandmother. He tells Regina to give<br />

up her blood feud, warning her that it will cost her everything. When Gold says that she hasn’t<br />

learned her lesson, Regina asks what he means and the pawnbroker explains that no one can<br />

have everything. She can have her vengeance or she can have Henry, but not both. Gold suggests<br />

that she cut her losses but Regina insists that she’ll find a way to have both.<br />

At the apartment, Mary Margaret sits on the bed and refuses to eat. Henry realizes that David<br />

and Emma aren’t telling him the full story and they finally explain that Mary Margaret helped<br />

kill Cora. Henry insists that Snow White wouldn’t hurt anyone. Gold arrives to tell them about<br />

Regina’s plans for vengeance, but doesn’t know the details. David insists that he helps, pointing<br />

out that Gold is family and that he owes Mary Margaret a debt for killing Cora and healing him.<br />

At the diner, Regina finds Owen sitting in her customary seat. He refuses to get up and Kurt<br />

points out that Regina doesn’t own the diner. An irritated Regina tells them that she’s talked to<br />

the mechanic and he’ll have the truck repaired ahead of schedule so they can go home to New<br />

Jersey. Kurt thanks her and leaves with Owen, but the boy stops and gives his grandfather’s<br />

keychain lanyard to Regina in return for her letting him sit in her seat. Surprised and touched,<br />

Regina thanks him.<br />

The next morning, Regina wakes up in bed next to a sleeping Graham. She goes to the hospital<br />

and watches Mary Margaret leaves flowers at David’s bedside. As Regina walks through town,<br />

she watches as Marco and Gold do the same thing they did the day before.<br />

However, this time she bumps into Mary Margaret returning from the hospital. Mary Margaret<br />

nervously apologizes and runs off.<br />

Days pass and the same things happen over and over, and no one but Regina realizes it. She<br />

soon gets bored with the lack of challenge and confronts Mary Margaret the next time she bumps<br />

into the teacher. Regina asks why Mary Margaret doesn’t fight back even though Regina bumped<br />

into her, and Mary Margaret just says that she has no idea why she would fight. Once she leaves,<br />

Regina goes to the pawnshop and complains to Gold that she isn’t happy despite their deal. He<br />

claims to have no idea what she’s talking about and Regina tells him that no one obeys her and<br />

no one knows that she’s won. Gold assumes that she’s insane and Regina calls Kurt and his son<br />

and invites them to dinner.<br />

Regina searches through Cora’s belongings and accidentally discovers a locket with cameos of<br />

the two of them. Tossing it aside, Regina finally locates a small scroll covered with magic writing.<br />

Gold and David arrive a little later and realize that Regina was searching for one of her<br />

mother’s spells. Gold checks the ingredient trunk and discovers the items necessary to make<br />

the Curse of the Empty-Hearted are missing. They go back to the apartment and Gold tells<br />

Emma and the others that Regina can use the curse to make someone think they love someone<br />

else. Henry figures that Regina plans to use it on him to make him love her, and Gold warns<br />

them that with the curse she can get revenge and Henry at the same time. He tells them that<br />

the last ingredient for the curse is the heart of the person she hates the most. Gold says that<br />

his debt to Mary Margaret is paid off and turns to leave, and Emma demands that he help them.<br />

He warns them that the only way to stop Regina is to kill her. As David and Emma consider the<br />

idea, Henry tells them that they can’t because they used to be heroes. He runs out and Emma<br />

goes after him, and Gold warns David that Regina is more dangerous than her mother, because<br />

Regina has a heart.<br />

Kurt and Owen have lasagna with Regina, and Owen blurts out that it isn’t very good. Regina<br />

apologizes for not being a better cook and asks Owen to go to the kitchen to pick out apples to<br />

make apple turnovers. Once he leaves, Kurt explains that Owen is a free spirit like his mother,<br />

who passed away six months. He tells Regina that he took Owen camping to get his mind off of<br />


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