Episode Guide - inaf iasf bologna

Episode Guide - inaf iasf bologna

Episode Guide - inaf iasf bologna


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Once Upon A Time <strong>Episode</strong> <strong>Guide</strong><br />

doesn’t have magic. The Blue Fairy says that they must go somewhere that they can escape the<br />

curse and Baelfire says that he will do whatever it takes. She has him hold out his hand and<br />

gives him the very last magic bean, and tells him to follow it wherever it leads them.<br />

That night, David approaches Mary Margaret, who tries to ignore him. He insists that they<br />

need to talk and tries to apologize, admitting that he didn’t believe her. Mary Margaret tells him<br />

that she’ll never forget how he forsook her and believed the frame against her, and wonders<br />

if there is some dark force that keeps pouring poison between them. She tells David that she<br />

doesn’t want their good times replaced with memories of how David refused to believe her. David<br />

apologizes again, insisting that he loves her, but Mary Margaret says that’s what makes it so sad<br />

and walks away.<br />

Back at home, Baelfire says he’s found a way to make things right and tells him of the Reul<br />

Ghorm. Rumplestiltskin translates it as the Blue Star, and realizes that Baelfire has dealt with<br />

the Blue Fairy. Rumplestiltskin refuses to give up his power and become weak, and Baelfire<br />

reminds him of his deal and asks if he’s backing out. After a moment, Rumplestiltskin says that<br />

he’ll keep the deal.<br />

Gold goes to see Archie but then starts to go. Archie invites him to come in and talk, and<br />

Gold explains that he had a son and may have found him. He wonders if he’s just seeing what he<br />

wants to see, and Archie asks if his son would recognize him. Gold isn’t sure if his son is ready<br />

for a reunion and may still be angry. Archie suggests that his son may be holding back and notes<br />

that anger between a parent and child is normal. When Gold says that his son may be there to<br />

kill him, Archie admits that isn’t normal and suggests that Gold be honest and tell his son that<br />

he’s been trying to fix things.<br />

Later, Gold tracks down August by the lake and says that he knows who he is and what he’s<br />

looking for. August says that the lying can stop and calls him Papa.<br />

Baelfire leads Rumplestiltskin outside and casts the magic bean onto the forest floor. A portal<br />

opens up and Rumplestiltskin holds back, insisting he can’t go because it’s a trick. Baelfire<br />

promises it’ll be okay and steps forward, holding his hand, but Rumplestiltskin tries to pull<br />

back. His son calls him a coward and Rumplestiltskin lets go of his hand. Baelfire plummets<br />

into the portal and it seals up behind him as Rumplestiltskin tries to dig down, insisting that he<br />

wants to go with him.<br />

Gold admits to August that he was a coward and should never have let him go, and tells him<br />

that ever since he left, Gold has been looking for him. Gold asks him to be the bigger man and<br />

forgive him, and August turns and hugs him in forgiveness. August admits that he was looking<br />

for the knife, figuring that if Gold still had it then it meant he hadn’t changed. They go to dig it<br />

up where Gold hid it after Emma arrived to keep Regina finding it. August digs up the dagger<br />

and Gold gives it to him and tells him to destroy it, saying he doesn’t need it anymore. After a<br />

moment, August takes the dagger and then points it at Gold, trying to control him. Gold realizes<br />

that August isn’t his son because Baelfire would have known that there was no magic in the<br />

world to use. The pawnbroker takes the knife and demands answers, and August explains that<br />

he needed Gold to work for it so that he would believe what he wanted to believe. Gold figures<br />

that August is from the fairytale world and demands to know who told him about the knife.<br />

August says that a fairy told him and Gold asks why he took the risk, and August says that he’ll<br />

die anyway. He explains that he’s sick and needs magic. Since he can’t get the savior, Emma, to<br />

believe, he chose a different route. Gold says that Emma trusts him and it could be enough, and<br />

tells August to try again. He explains that since August will die either way, he’ll let him live for<br />

the moment so he can get something out of it.<br />

Rumplestiltskin calls for the Blue Fairy. When she comes, he demands to know how he can<br />

follow Baelfire and the Blue Fairy warns that there are no more magic beans. He realizes that a<br />

curse could work, and he vows that he will do nothing else and love nothing else until he finds a<br />

way to go to the other world and find Baelfire, no matter what the cost.<br />

Emma finds Regina waiting for her in jail. The mayor says that she’s going to provide a<br />

confession and then calls Sydney. He confesses that he held Kathryn in a summer cottage, stole<br />

Regina’s skeleton key to plant the knife, and bribed a lab tech to plant the DNA. Sydney claims<br />

that he hoped to break the story himself and get his job back. Emma doesn’t believe him but<br />

Sydney insists that he can provide all of the evidence to incriminate himself. Regina insists that<br />

Sydney is telling the truth, and Emma calls her out into the hallway. She warns Regina that she<br />

is going to start playing a different game, and that Regina will leave Henry alone from now on<br />


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