Episode Guide - inaf iasf bologna

Episode Guide - inaf iasf bologna

Episode Guide - inaf iasf bologna


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Once Upon A Time <strong>Episode</strong> <strong>Guide</strong><br />

knows something. Her friend finally says that there is a man who is rumored to be able to do<br />

exactly what Snow wants.<br />

That night, Snow takes a boat out to an island. Rumplestiltskin is waiting for her, well aware<br />

that she wants to make a deal. He asks what he can do for her and Snow says that she needs a<br />

cure for a broken heart. Rumplestiltskin warns her that he can’t make the prince love her, but<br />

he can help her to forget him. He fills a vial with lake water and then plucks a lock of her hair<br />

and puts into the water, and assures Snow that she won’t remember the prince once she drinks<br />

it, and the cure must be extreme. When Snow hesitates, Rumplestiltskin says that her lock of<br />

hair will suffice, and she agrees to the deal.<br />

Mary Margaret is at the store shopping in preparation for the coming storm when she bumps<br />

into Kathryn and Regina. As she helps Kathryn pick up her supplies, she notices that she has a<br />

pregnancy test and wishes her luck. Kathryn thanks her and walks away, and Regina tells Mary<br />

Margaret to be discreet.<br />

At the castle, King George comes to see James, still posing as Prince Charming, and notes<br />

that he’s not attending the feast in his honor. He brings him the crown that King Midas has sent<br />

as a gift and explains that their new prosperity will feed their kingdom.<br />

James reminds him that gratitude wasn’t part of their deal and says that his heart belongs<br />

to Abigail, but King George knows better and asks who the woman is that he really loves. James<br />

says that he met the woman on a journey and King George tells him to forget her. When he says<br />

that it was charity, James reminds him that it wasn’t charity but the king says to do what he<br />

must because nothing will stop the wedding. Once the king leaves, James writes a message to<br />

Snow and sends it by dove.<br />

Mary Margaret is walking home through the forest when she hears a dove cooing. She goes<br />

into the woods and finds the dove tangled in some fencing. Mary Margaret takes it to the animal<br />

shelter and Dr. Thatcher says that it will recover, but that it has formed a bond with its flock.<br />

If Mary Margaret doesn’t get it back to its flock, it will be alone forever. As she goes to find the<br />

flock, Dave says that she shouldn’t go out in the storm. Mary Margaret says that no one deserves<br />

to be alone and that she doesn’t need his help.<br />

A nervous Regina comes to see Emma and ask her to find out more about the Stranger. The<br />

mayor thinks there is something familiar about him and wants Emma to find out why he’s there.<br />

When Emma objects, Regina says she’ll do it because it’s the right thing to do and because the<br />

Stranger was taking an interest in Henry. Emma agrees to look into the situation.<br />

Mary Margaret drives into the woods looking for the dove’s flock.<br />

As Snow contemplates the vial, the dove arrives with the note from James. In it he says that<br />

he hopes she’s found happiness, but that he hasn’t forgotten her and asks her to come to him if<br />

she loves him.<br />

Mary Margaret comes to a barricade across the road and proceeds on foot with the dove.<br />

Snow sneaks into the castle, claiming to have flowers from Midas’ kingdom. Once inside,<br />

she makes her way to James’ quarters. Before she can approach him, a guard finds her and<br />

throws her into a dungeon cell, taking the note with him. Snow tries to find a way out without<br />

success, and sees someone in the next cell. It’s a dwarf, Grumpy, who warns her that there’s no<br />

escape. She refuses to yield, saying that there’s someone out there that she loves. Grumpy isn’t<br />

impressed and says that he’s imprisoned because he loved a beautiful woman and lost her. He<br />

was desperate to get her back so traded his wages to a diamond mine foreman who sold him a<br />

stolen rock. Grumpy took the blame and now he’s trapped. A dwarf outside speaks up, dressed<br />

in black, and introduces himself as Stealthy.<br />

Stealthy says that Doc whipped up a sleeping potion to knock out the guards. As Stealthy<br />

takes Grumpy away, Snow wishes him luck and Grumpy reluctantly releases her.<br />

Mary Margaret hears the flock but discovers that they’re on the other side of a gorge. As she<br />

tries to find a way across, she slips and falls partway down the cliff, before grabbing a root.<br />

As Mary Margaret starts to fall, Dave arrives and pulls her to safety. He assures her that she<br />

wouldn’t let her go on her own and they have to go. Mary Margaret refuses to leave and goes to<br />

get the dove as the storm begins.<br />

Stealthy leads Grumpy and Snow out and she insists that they need to go out over the walls.<br />

The dwarves believe the courtyard is safer and go off on their own. As they cross, King George<br />

and his guards arrive and shoot Stealthy when he tries to escape. Grumpy refuse to tell the king<br />

where Snow is and he orders the dwarf’s death. Snow arrives, threatening to set the courtyard<br />


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