Episode Guide - inaf iasf bologna

Episode Guide - inaf iasf bologna

Episode Guide - inaf iasf bologna


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Once Upon A Time <strong>Episode</strong> <strong>Guide</strong><br />

she can remember Gold healing him and ask him to help remember her. Gold agrees as long as<br />

she’ll help him remember who he is, and tells Belle that she always brought out the best in her.<br />

Belle is in her cell in Rumplestiltskin’s castle, crying. He finally comes in and tells her to stop<br />

weeping, and gives her a pillow to muffle the noise. They hear a crash and go to investigate, and<br />

find a thief carrying a bow and taking one of Rumplestiltskin’s wands. The thief threatens to<br />

shoot at him, and Rumplestiltskin demonstrates that he can teleport away faster than the man<br />

can shoot. Unimpressed, the thief says that his bow is magical and shoots, and the arrow hits<br />

Rumplestiltskin in chest. The Dark One, unharmed, removes the arrow from his chest.<br />

As Belle packs to leave, Regina comes in and introduces herself. Belle tells her about how<br />

Gold is going to help her, unaware that Regina is enchanting a matchbook that she picked up.<br />

Regina then hands it to Belle, who doesn’t recognize it, but she starts to fall under the influence<br />

of the spell.<br />

At the boarding house, Greg and Tamara meet and they review a map of all the locations in<br />

Storybrooke where he’s seen magic used.<br />

She asks if he’s found her father and Greg admits that he hasn’t, but he’s sure that he’s<br />

somewhere in town. Tamara assures her conspirator that she has ”the package” nearby and will<br />

bring it into Storybrooke that night.<br />

David and Mary Margaret drive Emma out into the countryside and tell her that they have a<br />

surprise for her. They take her through an invisible wall, revealing a field of magic beans. Anton<br />

and the dwarves are supervising the growth of the beans, and Anton comes over to greet them.<br />

David explains that the Mother Superior cast a spell to shield the beans from detection so that<br />

Regina and Gold wouldn’t find out about them, and Emma realizes that with the beans they can<br />

return to the Enchanted Forest. Despite the danger, David and Mary Margaret believe that they<br />

should go back to restore their homeland to what it once was. They feel that it’s best for everyone<br />

to go there, including Emma, but Emma points out that it’s not her world. Her parents note that<br />

the real world has never given anything but grief, and they believe that their daughter can have<br />

a happy ending in their world.<br />

When Gold goes back to the hospital, he discovers that Belle is gone. He finds the Rabbit<br />

Hole Bar matchbook that Regina gave to Belle and goes there. When Gold describes Belle, the<br />

bartender points her out. Belle is dressed in different clothing and shooting pool with Mr. Clark.<br />

As they share a drink, Gold comes over and Belle tells him that she finally remembered who she<br />

is: Lacey.<br />

Rumplestiltskin tortures the thief and Belle is forced to listen to his screams. When the imp<br />

comes out to clean up, he tells Belle that he has to torture anyone who dares steal from him so<br />

that they’ll know the price. Once Rumplestiltskin leaves, belle goes to the thief’s cell and frees<br />

him. He suggests that she run away with him rather than stay with Rumplestiltskin, but she<br />

explains about how she promised to stay. The thief wishes her luck and departs.<br />

Gold goes to Regina’s office and demands an explanation. The mayor tells him that she gave<br />

Belle the false curse memories that she was originally supposed to receive when everyone transitioned<br />

over. Gold tells her to give Belle back her original memories, but Regina says that there’s<br />

nothing there since Belle cross over the town line. Gold threatens to kill her but Regina points<br />

out that if he does then Henry will know what he is really like. When the pawnbroker vows to<br />

make Belle love him again, Regina points out that it won’t happen and gives her regards to Lacey.<br />

As David and Leroy go to the diner to get food, Gold comes in and talks to David privately. The<br />

pawnbroker explains what happened to Belle and asks David how he won Mary Margaret’s heart<br />

when neither he nor Mary Margaret remembered each other. When Gold points out that he’ll owe<br />

David a favor, David tells him that Mary Margaret recognized a bit of him from the Enchanted<br />

Forest and tells Gold to show Belle a bit of once they had.<br />

When Rumplestiltskin discovers that the thief is gone, Belle says that she saw the good in<br />

the thief’s heart and decided to release him. Rumplestiltskin points out that the thief still stole<br />

the wand and that anyone who has magic has evil intentions. Belle doesn’t believe it but Rumplestiltskin<br />

teleports the thief’s bow and vows to shoot him. He then orders Belle to come with<br />

him to see how she was wrong about the thief.<br />

Belle is at the Rabbit Hole when a man, Keith, approaches her. As Gold and David come in,<br />

Gold notes Keith and David tries to distract him. When Belle sends Keith on his way, Gold sits<br />

down with her and tries to make small talk about music. When she goes over to the jukebox,<br />

David suggests that Gold invite her out. The pawnbroker goes over and suggests that they get<br />


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