Volu m e II - Purdue University Calumet

Volu m e II - Purdue University Calumet

Volu m e II - Purdue University Calumet


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men and women at worst. Despite its reputation as abstinence-only propaganda, the Twilight series is filled<br />

with clandestine references to sex and sensuality which has garnered it the nickname “abstinence-porn.” The<br />

series does not do anything different than the larger culture it was spawned from but because of its<br />

popularity it has drawn the most attention with its glaringly obvious faults.<br />

Feminist writers like Christine Siefert on bitchmagazine.org suggest that reader disappointment in<br />

Bella and Edward‟s consummation of their marriage in book for “suggests something about the desire<br />

readers have for abstinence messages.” This is a miswriting on her part: it is not that readers have a desire<br />

for the abstinence messages but rather that readers have been indoctrinated to believe that abstinence ─ and<br />

the self-denial, nay sacrifice, that goes along with it ─ is sexy. The suspense of abstinence-until-marriage is<br />

eroticized to the point that it becomes the epitome of sexual excitement, while the act itself is left<br />

undescribed, ill-defined, and, once fulfilled, particularly disappointing.<br />

Most talk about sex, especially involving teens, is limited to aphorisms and vagary leaving teenagers<br />

with the „facts‟ (in the best of cases) and the idea that sex is a purely biological act between a man and a<br />

woman that somehow leads to some kind of transformation on a personal and relational level. In this<br />

definition, sex becomes conflated with intimacy and it is presented as the only example of the magical and<br />

mysterious bonds matrimony is supposed to convey upon the happy couple. Perhaps this is the message that<br />

readers are actually seeking: an example of what intimacy is supposed to look like before and after the<br />

ceremony. Twilight and its series-sisters, the movies, and even the leaked Midnight Sun (which is Twilight<br />

from Edward‟s perspective) is a seriously perverted example of intimacy that relies on simplifications and<br />

classifications of human behavior (man is aggressive and woman is frail) to justify marriage as the only<br />

acceptable answer to sexuality and intimacy.<br />

In this way, it is not the series itself that is bad for girls but the assumptions the series uses to exemplify sex,<br />

love, and intimacy. What need does this series fulfill for women, and what lessons are adolescents gleaning<br />


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