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96 Cecelia Ahernto struggle, moan and, whinge my way into getting something that’s notexactly what I want but that will just do.This is not something that will “just do,” this is perfect; this is exactlywhat I wanted. I wanted to feel <strong>love</strong>d by someone, I wanted Katie to stopwondering if it was all her fault that she didn’t have a daddy like all theother kids, I wanted to feel that the two of us not only belong together butthat someone else would accept us in their lives too, I wanted to feel important,I wanted to feel like somebody, I wanted to know that if I called in sickto work that I would be missed. I wanted to stop feeling so sorry for myself,and I have.Things are going great. I’m feeling really good about myself and I’m notquite used to that. This is the new Rosie Dunne. Young and confused Rosie isgone. Phase two of my life now begins . . .

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