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chapter 32kDear Rosie,Before you rip this up please just give me a chance to explain.Firstly, I sincerely apologize from the bottom of my heart for the yearsgone by. For not being there for you, for not supporting you and giving youthe help you deserved. I am filled with regret and disappointment withmyself for the way I have behaved and chosen to live my life. I know there isnothing I can do to change or make better the years I acted so foolishly andmistreated the two of you.But please at least give me a chance to build a better future, to makeright what’s wrong. I can understand how you must feel so angry, betrayed,and hurt and you must hate me so much but there’s not just yourself to thinkof. I look back on my life and I wonder what have I to show for all theseyears. I haven’t done many things in my life that I’m proud of. I have no storiesof success to tell, I haven’t made a million. There is only one thing inthis life that I’m proud of.And that’s my little girl.The fact that I have a little girl, who isn’t even “little” anymore. I’m notproud of the way I’ve treated her. I woke up one morning a few weeks agoon my thirty-third birthday and suddenly it was as if all the sense that’s beenmissing for the past thirty-three years came to me in an instant. I realized Ihad a daughter, a teenage daughter who I know nothing of and who knows

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