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<strong>love</strong>, <strong>rosie</strong> 159pay, a good boss, good hours. He thinks I have it easy here. I suppose he’sright though. I really can’t afford to take the risk because you never know; Icould end up back working for Randy Andy. Now that would have to be themost depressing thing that could ever happen to me.How is Josh? I would <strong>love</strong> to see him again. We must make arrangementsto meet up soon. I don’t want him not knowing who I am. We alwayspromised our kids would be best friends, remember? I don’t want to be oneof those strange people to him that visits and once in a blue moon squeezesmoney into his hands. Although I very much liked those kinds of peoplemyself, I would personally rather mean more to Josh.OK so I think that’s all my very exciting news for you for now. Writeto me, ring me, e-mail me, or fly over and visit me. Or you could do all ofthose things. Just do anything to let me know that you’re still walking theearth.Miss you.Love,RosieDear Rosie,Just to let you know I’m still alive—just about. Sally seems to be suckingall the life out of me these days. We’re finalizing the divorce ...it’sanightmare.So that’s what’s going on with me. Must go now; have to stick my handsin someone’s chest.Give my <strong>love</strong> to Katie,Alexfrom:to:subject:RosieStephanieGossip!Thanks for your letter, Steph. I am absolutely fine, thank you. Everyoneis well and healthy, we have no complaints. I feel I’ve made the right decisionabout Greg and from just listening to Alex about the divorce procedure, I’m

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