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<strong>love</strong>, <strong>rosie</strong> 147from:to:subject:AlexGregRosieDo you think your ridiculous attempt to scare me off is going to work?You are a pathetic sad little man. Rosie has a mind of her own and shedoesn’t need you making those decisions for her.from:to:subject:GregAlexRe: RosieSo what are you going to do if she says yes, Alex? What are you going todo? Move to Dublin? Leave Josh behind? Expect Rosie to uproot Katie, leavethe job she <strong>love</strong>s and move to Boston? Think, Alex.You have an instant message from: ALEXAlex:Phil:Alex:Phil:Alex:Phil:Alex:Phil:Alex:Phil:She didn’t get the letter Phil.Oh bloody hell, Alex. I told you not to put it in one of those damnletters. You should have just told her. I don’t know why you can’tjust use your mouth like the rest of us.Greg found the letter.The idiot husband? I thought they were finished.Evidently not. But it doesn’t change anything, Phil, I still <strong>love</strong> her.Yeah but she’s still married isn’t she? You’re not going to like what Isay, and this is just my opinion Alex, and hell knows you never takeany advice anyway but I wouldn’t touch another man’s wife. That’sjust me.But he’s an asshole Phil!And so are you but you’re my brother and I <strong>love</strong> you.I’m serious, the guy cheated on her. He’s all wrong for her.Yeah but the difference between now and before is that now Rosieknows he cheated on her. She knows he’s an asshole. But she’s still

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