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150 Cecelia Ahernfrom:to:subject:RosieAlexGregWow, talk about a change of subject. That’s a very direct question.OK, I know you can sense that he and I are going through a bad phaseand I know you’re worried. And I also know that you absolutely can’t standhim, which is really difficult for me because I would really <strong>love</strong> you to seehim how I see him.Deep down, underneath all his layers of stupidity, he’s a really goodman. He may act out far too many selfish thoughts, says all the wrong thingsat all the wrong times, but behind closed doors he’s a best friend. I understandthat he has idiotic tendencies and I can still <strong>love</strong> him for it. He may notbe someone that you feel comfortable sitting next to at a dinner party but forme, he’s someone that I feel comfortable sharing my life with.I know it’s hard for other people to understand what he’s like. All yousee is an overprotective paranoid mess, but god does that make me feel safeand wanted. And his stupidity makes me laugh! We have a long way to go tobeing the perfect couple, we certainly don’t live the fairy tale marriage, hedoesn’t shower me with rose petals and fly me to Paris on weekends butwhen I get my hair cut, he notices. When I dress up to go out at night, hecompliments me. When I cry, he wipes my tears. When I feel lonely, hemakes me feel <strong>love</strong>d. And who needs Paris, when you can get a hug?Somewhere along the way, without me even noticing, I grew up Alex. Foronce, I couldn’t take advice from anyone around me about what I should orshouldn’t do. I couldn’t go running to mum and dad and I can’t compare mymarriage to anybody else’s, we all follow our own rules. Taking Greg backwas my decision to make and I wouldn’t have if I hadn’t felt that Greg, andmost importantly that I, had learned something. I know that what has happenedwill never happen again and I really, really believe it. Because if I didn’tfeel so sure about our future, there’s no way that I could go through with this.I have a feeling that’s what was in your letter Alex but don’t worry aboutme. I’m fine. Thank you, thank you, thank you, for caring about me somuch. There aren’t enough friends like you in the world.

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