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<strong>love</strong>, <strong>rosie</strong> 237pletely up to us. If Brian messes up absolutely everything else in mylife at least he’s inadvertently helped me realize that.Ruby:Rosie:Ruby:Rosie:Ruby:Rosie:Ruby:Rosie:Ruby:However unfortunately, it’s not exactly the best time in my life tohave an ex back again. In these situations you’re supposed to havebecome so much more since the last time you’ve seen them, happyand successful in your life so you can say “Na na na na na na, lookwhat I’ve done since you’ve been gone.” A failed marriage, no job,and living with my parents did not have the desired effect.None of that stuff is important Rosie, you should just be glad he’sgrown up a bit. How long will he be around for?He’s going back and forth from Ibiza all the time. He’s hiring someoneelse to keep an eye on it for him during the winter, but obviouslyhe’ll need to be there during the summer, when he’s busiest.He really seems to be taking this seriously and I’m glad for Katie’ssake. Having him hanging around isn’t exactly wonderful for me,but if it puts a smile on her face then it’s worth it.Any luck finding a job?Well I had just switched on the computer to search the Internetwhen you messaged me.Oh OK I’ll go now and let you become the responsible parent youshould be. By the way I’m making my Gary come to salsa dancingclasses with me. Miss Behave drank one too many sangrias at thesummer party last week and went over on her ankle in her 12-inchplatforms. All we could hear was a big CRACK! I turned aroundand she was on her back with a run in her tights and her wig besideher on the floor.Oh god did you have to rush her to hospital?Why on earth would we do that?She cracked her ankle?!Oh no don’t be silly, she broke the heel of her shoe and seeing asthey are her “only dancing shoes” she refuses to come to class untilshe replaces them. Unfortunately for me they’re only available in a

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