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chapter 34kYou have an instant message from: RUBYRuby:Rosie:Ruby:Praise the lord for he is a miracle worker! I <strong>love</strong> my son, he is perfect,an absolute genius!There’s a turnaround for the books!Well you would agree if, like me, you had just witnessed the rebirthof Fred Astaire. Not only am I in a great deal of pain from dancinglike I have never danced before but I am shocked to the very core!There is no possible way in this world that I could coherently communicateto you through the use of the English language exactlyhow good my Gary is. Did I mention to you at any stage in our livesthat I have always <strong>love</strong>d my son and that he is god’s gift to salsadancing and finally not to salsa sauce!Anyway as soon as the music started, magic happened!I mean, Ricardo didn’t exactly go easy on him even though it was hisfirst day. He said, “Rub-ee, zis is ze advanceda classa, Gar-ee vill justhave to try to keep up.” And my lord, my Gary kept up so much Ialmost passed out. Ricardo even put on 1, 2, 3 Maria by Azuquitaand you know Rosie—it’s fast. So fast it had you and me in a slumpon the floor halfway through, watching cartoon stars and birdies cir-

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