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<strong>love</strong>, <strong>rosie</strong> 169to get home to their girlfriends or new wives or children or whomever ...Icouldn’t help but think about all the guys who came through those officedoors. Thought about the guys who started off on the same day as me; ColinQuinn and Tom McGuire, guys who never made it to retirement like me. Isuppose that’s what life’s about. People come and go.So there are no more early mornings for me. I caught up on a wholeload of sleep I never even thought I needed. The garden is spotless, everythingin the house that was once broken is now fixed. I’ve played golf three timesthis week, visited Rosie twice, took Katie and Toby out for the day, and Istill feel like hopping into my car, speeding down to the office, and teachingthe rookies a thing or two about how to do business. But they won’t care;they want and need to learn it for themselves.So I thought I would join the Dunne women in writing. It seems that’sall they do. Keeps the phone bills down, I suppose. Let me know how thingsare going for you, son.Did you hear about our Rosie’s job?Love, Dadfrom:to:subject:KevinStephanieDadHow are things? I just got a letter from Dad today. Dad writing a letteris weird in itself but what he was writing was even more bizarre. Is he OK?He was talking about some guy called Billy Rogers who died over thirtyyears ago. Make sure he’s not losing it. Anyway, it was good to hear fromhim but he sounded like another man altogether. Not necessarily a bad thing.Sorry I wasn’t there for his retirement do. Should have made more of aneffort to be there.Tell Pierre and Jean-Louis I was asking for them. Tell Pierre I’ll beat hisculinary skills hands down next time I see him! Here’s a little pair of runners(for Jean-Louis obviously) that I saw in the sports shop. He’ll be the trendiestlittle seven-month-old in France. Dad mentioned something about Rosie’sjob? What has she done now?

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