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<strong>love</strong>, <strong>rosie</strong> 295Rosie:Alex:Rosie:Alex:Rosie:Alex:Rosie:Alex:Rosie:Alex:Rosie:Alex:Rosie:Alex:Rosie:Then down the hall from me are a family from Nigeria. Zareb andMalika and their 5 kids. And I thought the place was too small forjust me and Katie.Sounds like Phil and Maggie and their kids. How are your mumand dad?My multilingual mum and dad you mean? Well they’re having thetime of their lives away from all of us. Mum recently celebratedher sixtieth; she sent me a postcard saying, “Zdravstvuite fromRussia!” I can just imagine the two of them enjoying themselveslike an old couple from the Love Boat. Speaking of the dreaded Lword, what was with all the personal questions about my <strong>love</strong>life?Because I want you to find someone that’s why. I want you to behappy.Alex, I’ve never found happiness with another human being and youknow it. I’m separated from my husband; I’m not looking foranother victim just yet. Possibly never.Never?Possibly. Well I’ll never marry again that’s for sure. I’m getting usedto my new life again. I have a new apartment, a new job, a teenagedaughter, I’m 32 years old and I’m entering a new phase of my life.I think I’m finally growing up. Anyway there’s nothing wrong withbeing single. Being single is the new black. You should know.I’m not single.Not yet.No I’m not. I won’t be.Why, have you changed your mind?My mind was never made up in the first place to be changed.Oh dear, hello Mr. Chicken Shit, my name is Rosie Dunne. Nice tomeet you.I’m not chicken shit. I never said I was going to end mine and Beth’srelationship.Well it sounded like that to me when we discussed it at dinner lastmonth.

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