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<strong>love</strong>, <strong>rosie</strong> 353temporary manager in training so I just know that there’s a job for me at theend of the rainbow.You have an instant message from: RUBYRuby:Rosie:Ruby:Rosie:Ruby:Rosie:Ruby:Rosie:Ruby:Rosie:Hello stranger.Oh hi Ruby, sorry it’s been so long; I’ve had a lot on lately.No apologies needed. How’s your mum?Not great. That tear reservoir still hasn’t dried up. She’s coming tostay with me for a little while.In the flat?Yes.How’s that going to work? You don’t have any spare rooms.Oh gosh it has been ages since I spoke to you. After many days ofdeliberations with Brian the Whine I eventually gave in and havedecided to allow Katie to stay with him in Ibiza for the summer. Imust be crazy because no matter how much Brian the Whine assuresme that he’s a responsible father who will keep an eye on his daughter,I can’t stop thinking of the fact that he ran off when he foundout I was pregnant and only returned when she was 13. I’m not tookeen on his definition of responsible. Plus he will be working nightsso I don’t know how he’ll know what she’s up to.The good thing about Brian being her father is that he’s the ownerof a seedy night club on the part of an island where he’s used to seeingwhat exactly 16-year-olds get up to. He will not want hisdaughter joining in with that kind of fun. Trust me. Anyway she’llbe on her own, how much partying can a girl do on her own?You really want the answer to that question? Anyway her boyfriendJohn is going to join her for a few weeks and Toby and his girlfriendare going over for a holiday too. But I can’t put up too muchof a fight because Brian the Whine is good enough to spend most ofthe year here for Katie and he needs to be over there during the

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