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<strong>love</strong>, <strong>rosie</strong> 287Rosie: Congratulations you Dancing Queen! I’m so proud of you! Are youstill glowing from your win?Ruby: I’m not too sure how I’m supposed to be feeling to be honest. Ireally don’t think that we should be the winners.Rosie: Oh don’t be silly! The two of you danced brilliantly. Miss Behavedid such a great job on your dress. I’m surprised it was so understatedfor one of her creations. Black with glittery sequins lookedtres chic compared to all the others. They looked like rainbows onE. Look, you won it fair and square—be proud.Ruby: But we didn’t even get through to the final round ...Rosie: Well it’s not your fault the couple who came first were practicingout in the corridor. Anyone could have slipped on Toby’s stupidremote control car. It was their own fault. Anyway her ankle willheal with time. She’ll be back next year to reclaim her title.Ruby: Yes but technically we shouldn’t have won at all Rosie, only the twocouples who got to the final round were supposed to battle it out.The second couple who were in the final really should have won . . .Rosie: Yes but once again that wasn’t your fault. It was the stupid womanin purple who tripped over Toby’s remote control Raleigh car(they’re very fast aren’t they?), knocking the drink out of Katie’shand causing the second woman in yellow to slip and land on herbackside. That automatically put you through. It’s not your fault.You should be delighted!!Ruby: Well I am in an odd kind of way. Afternoon Ireland have asked meand Gary on their show during the week to do our winning danceand for a small interview as well and next week me and Gary areperforming in Miss Behave’s show in The George.Rosie: That’s fantastic! I’m delighted for you Ruby, my friend the superstar!Ruby: Oh I wouldn’t even be doing all this if you hadn’t got me the vouchersfor my fortieth birthday. Thanks so much Rosie, thanks forcheering for me so loudly, I heard you the whole way through thedance. And I’m really sorry, you, Katie, and Toby were asked toleave the dance hall . . .

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