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198 Cecelia AhernBethany, who accompanied Dr. Stewart to the Reginald Williams Foundationfor Heart Disease charity ball last night.See page 4 of the Health supplement for Wayne Gillespie’s report on thisnew cardiac surgery.You have an instant message from: ROSIERosie:Ruby:Rosie:Ruby:Hey Ruby, you’ll never guess what I just read in the newspaper thismorning.Your star sign.Oh please! Give me a bit of credit; do you think I read those thingsevery day?I know you read them every day. It helps you decide whether to bein a good mood or bad mood. I can’t quite figure mine out today. Itsays: Take the fullest possible advantage of lively financial conditionsto seize the initiative at the end of the month. Mars has movedinto your sign and you should be feeling full of energy. New excitingexperiences forecast.I have never been so broke, exhausted, and bored in all of my life.So that’s all a load of crap. I’m really looking forward to our nextdance lesson though. Can’t believe we’re going to be finished thisweek! Soon we’ll be moving into intermediate class, can you believeit? The weeks have just flown by, far too fast. I know I’m gettingold when I hear myself say that. Anyway what was in the papers if itwasn’t your star sign?Rosie: Read page 3 of The Times.Ruby: Oh God, do I have to? They always speak gobbledy-gook languagein that paper.Rosie: OK then don’t read the article just read the headline and look at thephoto.Ruby: OK on page three, scanning down through articles as I type this ...oh my lord, look at that. I take it that’s slutty Bethany?Rosie: Should you even have to ask?

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