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354 Cecelia AhernRuby:Rosie:Ruby:Rosie:summer. There has to be a bit of give and take, and Katie has neveractually seen her own father’s home. Also Brian said he would makesure she gets a bit of experience DJ-ing while she’s there whichwould be brilliant for her.Have you convinced yourself enough yet?God does it really sound like that?Yep.Well, without wanting to sound like a complete moan (because weall know I’m not one to moan) this summer is going to be reallylonely for me. I could be really selfish and not let her go just for mysake and Mum is only staying with me a short while before she’s offagain. A few people Mum and Dad met while they were on theircruise last year got in touch with Mum. They’re planning a trip toSouth Africa and they’re going to stay for a month. That was thenext place Dad wanted to go to. He always used to watch NationalGeographic and swear he would one day go on a safari. Well he’sgoing now because Mum is taking his ashes and scattering themwith the tigers and elephants. She’s really happy with the idea so I’mnot going to get in her way. Kevin is a bit upset about it, he wants tohave a place for Dad so that we can all visit, but Mum insists this iswhat Dad would want. She’s the woman who knew him best; I don’tknow why Kev is causing such a fuss. He barely visited Dad when hewas alive, I can’t imagine him visiting his cremation site every day.Come to think of it, maybe that’s what his problem is.Anyway she doesn’t want to stay in Connemara a moment longeron her own so she’s coming to stay with me for two weeks beforeshe heads off. But after that, everyone is gone. Mum, Dad, Katie,Steph, Kev, and Alex. I’m all alone and because it’s the summer andthe school is closed all I have to do is to study.Ruby: You think that maybe this is a sign to meet more people?Rosie: I know, I know. I’m alone by my own choosing. When I was 18everyone my age wanted to talk about boys not babies, at 22 theywanted to talk about college not teething, at 30 they wanted to talk

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