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<strong>love</strong>, <strong>rosie</strong> 45greatly <strong>love</strong>s and respects you and wishes for nothing but happiness andgreat fortune in your life, please take my advice. Never get pregnant. Or“enceinte” as you would say over there. Look at the word, say it out loud,familiarize yourself with it, repeat it in your head, and learn to never everwant to be it.In fact, never have sex. Might as well try to completely eradicate theodds. Trust me Steph, it is not pleasant. I’m not feeling at all at one withnature, I’m not radiating any sort of magical motherly signals, I’m just fat.And bloated. And tired. And sick. And wondering what on earth I am goingto do when this little one is born and looks at me and I shrug back.Glowing, my bum. Smoldering is more like it. Alex has started hiswonderful life in college, people who were at school with me are out tastingwhat the world has to offer. I know it’s my own fault but I feel like I’mmissing out on so much. I’ve been going to these prenatal classes withMum where they teach me how to breathe. All around me I’m surroundedby couples. They’re all at least ten years older than me as well. Mum triedto start me chatting with them but I don’t think any of them are too interestedin becoming friends with an eighteen-year-old just out of school.Honestly it’s like some sort of play group and Mum keeps trying to teachme how to make friends. Mum told me not to worry because they werejust jealous of me. I don’t think the two of us have laughed so much formonths.I’m not allowed to smoke and the doctor says I have to start eatingmy greens. I’m going to be a mother and I’m still being spoken to like achild.Lots of <strong>love</strong>,RosieMr. Alex Stewart,You are invited to the christening of my beautiful baby daughter Katie,as you are the godfather. It’s this day month. Buy a suit and try and lookpresentable for a change.Lots of <strong>love</strong>,Rosie

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