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330 Cecelia Ahernnearly killed her but I can’t cancel it. Cross your fingers for me that he’s notsome sort of serial killer.Lots of <strong>love</strong>,RosieYou have an instant message from: ROSIERosie:Julie:Rosie:Julie:Rosie:Julie:Rosie:Julie:Rosie:Julie:Rosie:Julie:Rosie:Hi Julie. I’ve signed you up to be one of my instant message buddies.Whenever I see that you’re online I can send you messages.Not unless I block your name from my list.You wouldn’t dare.Why would you set up an instant messaging service with me when Iam in the next room?It’s what I do. It means I can multitask. I can speak to people on thephone and also do business with you online. What is it that you do,Ms. Casey? All I see you doing is terrorizing innocent children andhaving meetings with pissed off parents.That’s about all I do Rosie, you’re right. Believe me you were one ofthe worst kids to teach and one of the worst parents to meet with. Ihated calling you in.I hated coming in.And now you’ve added me to your messaging list. How timeschange. By the way I’m having a little get-together for my birthdaynext week and I was wondering if you would like to come.Who else is going?Oh just some other kids that I used to scare the hell out of 20 yearsago. We <strong>love</strong> to gather and reminisce about the days gone by.Seriously.No, just a few friends, a few members of my family for a fewdrinks and a few nibbles for a few minutes to mark the occasionand then you can all leave me alone.What age will you be? I only ask so I can buy you a birthday cardwith a number on it. Maybe get a badge for you too.

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