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<strong>love</strong>, <strong>rosie</strong> 309Rosie:Katie:Rosie:Katie:Rosie:Katie:Rosie:Katie:Rosie:Katie:Rosie:Katie:Rosie:Katie:Because I don’t care about what he does anymore. What he doeswith his life is his own mistake and I have nothing to do with itnow. Anyway he doesn’t want to hear about what I have to say.Our neighbor Rupert says, “Mistakes are the portals of discovery.”Rupert doesn’t say that. James Joyce did.James who? Do I no him?He’s dead.Oh sorry, did you no him well?What on earth are they teaching you at school?At the moment it’s sex education. It’s boring as hell.I would have to agree with you on that one. Anyway back to Alex,he has just changed as a person, <strong>love</strong>. He’s not the man I used toknow. He’s different.He’d bloody want to be, he was 5 years old and drooling when youfirst met him. If Toby is still acting like a 14-year-old when we’reyour age then I’ll worry.Oh don’t worry Katie, I’m sure Toby will grow up to be a maturefriend and family oriented dentist. But just as a warning, be preparedto meet many 30-year-old men who still think they’re 14years old. Your father being a prime example ...Yeah, yeah, yeah. I’ve heard all this before. Dad’s coming home forChristmas you no. He asked me to ask you if you we would eatChristmas dinner with him and his parents. Seeing as it’s only youand me this year anyway I thought it would be a great idea.Well whoopdeedoo. Bring on Christmas day.I new you would be ecstatic at the idea Mum!Hi <strong>love</strong>,Hope all is well. It was great to see you at the weekend, thanks for comingover to us in the west and joining us in “hanging off the edge of the cliff,” asyou put it! I promise the house will be in better order next time you come tosee us, but I’m finding it so difficult to settle down after traveling for months.Settling into a new home, in a new village, in a new county is an adventurefor us. Everybody is so friendly here and our Irish is gradually coming

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