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<strong>love</strong>, <strong>rosie</strong> 85Ruby:Rosie:Ruby:He’s jealous.Alex is not jealous!Alex is jealous of your relationship with Greg; he feels threatened.Greg: So what time should I call over to you tonight? 7 or 8?Rosie: No, Alex is not jealous of my relationship with Greg! Why shouldhe be? He’s married to perfect pretty little Sally, happily might I add(at least according to Sally) and I have a <strong>love</strong>ly photograph of thetwo of them lying on the beach together looking very much in <strong>love</strong>just to prove it. I gave him a chance to be part of Katie’s life andmine and he chose to remain my friend, which is what I have nowcome to terms with. It’s fine. Now I am in a relationship with Greg,he’s wonderful and I no longer care about Alex in that way at allwhatsoever! So that’s all I have to say about that thank you verymuch! I am over Alex, he is not interested in me and now I am in<strong>love</strong> with Greg! So there!Greg: Well ...thank you for sharing all that with me Rosie, I can’t tellyou enough how thrilled I am to hear that you are no longer in <strong>love</strong>with a man named Alex “at all whatsoever” as you so articulatelyput it . . .Rosie: Oh my god Ruby!! I just sent Greg the message that was supposedto be for you!! Fuck fuck FUCKETY FUCK! I TOLD HIM ILOVED HIM!!!!Greg: Em ...that eh...went to me again Rosie ...sorry...Rosie: Oh . . .Ruby: Oh what??

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