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<strong>love</strong>, <strong>rosie</strong> 163the room came crashing down around me. But he’s in great form and I feel sohappy and rejuvenated after the weekend. Seeing him always lights me up, aswitch is flicked somewhere in my body. I could watch him forever. Watchhow he learns, how he teaches himself, how he eventually finds a way to dothings without help from anyone. Josh takes chances; he’s braver than I am.He always takes that extra step when he nos he shouldn’t. He does it anywayand he learns. I think we adults have a lot to learn from that. Perhaps to notbe so afraid and oversensible about reaching for goals.So I am taking Josh’s advice. A surgeon whose work I greatly admire isgiving a talk during the week. It’s a few days of seminars about a new heartprocedure he has developed. I’m going to try and meet him, along with theother thousand or so wannabe heart surgeons who will be there. Rumor hasit he’s from Ireland and has moved over here to develop his studies further.Cross your fingers and pray for a miracle.from:to:subject:RosieAlexMysterious meetingI have a mysterious meeting with Bill, my boss, next week. I have noidea what it’s about, but I’m quite nervous about it. He flew over yesterday ina not so good mood and has had a series of secret meetings all day. Lots ofsuspicious-looking people have been arriving to talk to him on the hourevery hour dressed in dark suits. They could, of course, be giving him hourlyupdates of the news but somehow I doubt that very much. I have an awfulfeeling in the pit of my stomach.What makes it even worse is the fact that his brother Bob is flying overtomorrow morning. They only ever get together to do the hiring and firing. Ithink that’s all Bob does, really. His brother does all the work on theirhotels around the world and he just spends his share of the money onhouses, cars, holidays, and women, so I hear. Why is it that people alwaysput women in the same category as cars and holidays as though we’re prizeson a game show?Jesus I hope they don’t fire me. I don’t know what I would do. I think I

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