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<strong>love</strong>, <strong>rosie</strong> 247Rosie:Ruby:Rosie:Ruby:Rosie:Ruby:Rosie:Ruby:Rosie:Ruby:Rosie:Ruby:Rosie:Ruby:So move over Fred Astaire and Ginger Rogers, Ruby and GaryMinnelli are coming through!Minnelli??It’s far more superstar-like. Ricardo said he could train us both forcompetitions. We could even get to travel the world if we’re goodenough. For someone that considers walking to the end of her gardenan adventure, being able to travel would be a real dream. That’sif we’re good enough of course.Ruby that’s terrific news. How does Gary feel about all this?Oh it’s not important; he’ll soon come around to my way of thinking.What will Miss Behave say when she finds out she has beenreplaced?I know, I was worried about that; you know how jealous she getswhen I even look at other men.I’m glad that you and Gary have found something you can dotogether. I think it’s important, no matter how short-lived it maybe.Oh don’t be fooled by Gary’s lack of enthusiasm, this wonderfulmoment in my life will not be short-lived. I’m bringing Gary all theway with me to the World Salsa Dancing Championships in Miami.You know you need to look beyond the four walls of St. Patrick’sSchool Hall. See the possibilities, smell the success in the air, tastethe rewards.Have you been watching Oprah again?Yeah that “Remembering your spirit” part gets to me every time.Maybe Gary and I can be on it someday talking about how we camefrom nothing to salsa dancing millionaires just by believing.Oh don’t talk to me about remembering my spirit, all I can think ofis the bottle of wine I knocked back last night.Not that kind of spirit you fool ...Any word on the job front?Well yes actually, I received a job offer in the post yesterday.Terrific! It’s about time. Is it the one you wanted or the one youdidn’t want?

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