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210 Cecelia AhernToby:Katie:Toby:Katie:Toby:Katie:Toby:Katie:Oh ha ha metal mouth. Do you think you’ll have any “sizzling cocktailsausages” at your party?You’re hilarious Toby. Well I suppose my situation could be a milliontimes worse.How?I could be stuck wearing glasses for the rest of my life like youHardy har har. I was just thinking, you might not be able to leavethe country for the next few years.Why?Because of the metal detectors at the airports. You could be a realdanger to the public. They could be turned into deadly weapons.Whatever.You have an instant message from: ROSIERosie:Ruby:Rosie:Ruby:Rosie:Ruby:Rosie:Ruby:Rosie:My baby is going to be a teenager next week.Thank your lucky stars it’s almost over now sweetie.Almost over? Isn’t it just beginning? And if I had any lucky starsthey would be well and truly sacked by now. What’s so great aboutmy beautiful baby growing up and become spotty and bitchy whileI decay right in front of my very own eyes? The older my child gets,the older I become.Clever discovery there Rosie.But that’s not allowed to happen. Because I haven’t even started myown life yet, never mind bringing another one into this world andhelping her through her own. I haven’t actually done anything ofsubstance yet.Some may argue that creating life is of substance. Anything I shouldbring to the party?Just yourself.Damn it, anything else instead?You’re coming whether you like it or not.

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