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156 Cecelia AhernRuby:Rosie:Ruby:Rosie:Ruby:Rosie:Ruby:Rosie:What did Greg say about that?Oh wait for this; it’s wonderful. My amazingly intuitive husbandthinks that I “have problems communicating with and understandingUrsula.”Oh dear.Oh dear is right so I suggested that myself and Ursula attend relationshipcounseling in order to have good communication skills duringmy marriage counseling.Right . . . so what did Greg say to that suggestion?Well I couldn’t quite hear what he said over the slamming of the cardoor. It can’t have been very positive though, his nose was flared andI think he was snarling at me. I’m also thinking of purchasing alarger bed so that there’s room for Ursula. She may as well knowabsolutely everything about us. Maybe she could count how manytimes I fart during the night or something . . .Is it really that bad?I just can’t see how this is helping anything. She only makes us fightmore by forcing us to discuss all the little things that bother usabout each other. If we ever start to get along with each other, I canalmost see Ursula getting worried about her next month’s rent. Lastweek we argued for an hour about how much I hate it when Gregleaves a milk mustache on his face purposely just to make me laugh,then when I don’t laugh he follows me around the house tapping meon the shoulder with it still on, until I do. It’s not funny! It’s silly!Yesterday we fought about how it annoys me when his mouth startsto twitch when I get something wrong. If I said the sky was yellow,his top lip would start to do this odd sort of Elvis twitch. It bugs thehell out of me that he can’t just let it go. He needs to let me know insome form or another that I’ve gotten a piece of “vital” informationwrong. Oh no, the grass is green not pink! Oops-a-daisies, what adifference that statement makes to our life!Next week I think I’ll bring up the fact that he always wears thesilly novelty socks his dear mother buys him. He thinks they’re

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