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chapter 17kDear Rosie,So you went ahead and did it. You married what’s-his-name. You lookedbeautiful Rosie, I was proud to stand beside you at the altar, and I was proudto be there with you on your special day. I was proud to be your best man,but just as you said at my wedding, I wasn’t the best man that day, what’shis-namewas. You both looked great together.I got the oddest feeling when you turned your back to me to walk downthe aisle with Greg. It was a pang of jealousy. Is that normal? Did you getthat feeling on my wedding day, or am I going completely crazy? I just keptthinking over and over in my head, “Everything is going to change now,everything is going to change.” Greg is the man for you, now he gets to hearall your secrets, and where does that leave me? It was a weird feeling, Rosie,one that eventually passed but one that was present all the same.I didn’t dare talk about it to anyone, especially Sally, because then shewould be only too delighted to think that her little theory of men andwomen being unable to be “just friends” was correct. It’s not like I was jealousbecause I wanted to be your husband, it was just . . . Oh I don’t no howto explain it. I suppose I just felt left out, that’s all.I’m glad Josh finally got to put his feet on Irish soil, well actually mostlyhis bum but he’s almost there. I meant to bring him home a long time ago

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