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366 Cecelia AhernKatie:Toby:Katie:Toby:Katie:Toby:Katie:cares what you do? Who cares what Rupert thinks, your dad is onlyagreeing with your mum, and your mum is only saying you shouldgo because she thinks you want to. And don’t mind God, as yourmum always says, he’s only having a laugh.But Mum has worked so hard to finally get around to studying whatshe wants and it’s been such a struggle for her to get to the finalyear. Now I have the opportunity to go to college, because let’s faceit if I study really hard from now until June we both no I could dowell. I’ve nothing in my way, nothing to hold me back, and I thinkMum thinks I’m jumping for joy at the idea.She wanted this opportunity so much at my age and I kind of got inthe way and now it’s my turn and I’ve nothing in the way. For herthis is a big deal, for her I’m a really lucky person. Meanwhile I justcan’t think of anything I would be bothered studying for anotherfour years of my life. It sounds like a prison sentence. Dad said that Icould go over to him for the summer again and work in the clubbehind the bar for a few nights a week. Sugar will train me on theother nights. He says if I really want to do it I might as well starttaking it seriously.He’s right.Well you don’t sound like you’re going to miss me too much!Of course I won’t. If you don’t go, then I’m the one who has to listento you moan for the rest of my life. Apart from that, you shouldlook at your mum as being the perfect example, she missed out onher chance when she was your age and now she’s only months awayfrom finally reaching it. You on the other hand have your dream ona plate right in front of you.Of all the mothers in the world yours is the least likely to be pushyabout college. She’s only encouraging you because she thinks that’swhat you want.You’re right. I never thought of it like that.I’m always right.It’s our final year Toby. Who new we would ever get here? After all

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