fina synchronised swimming manual for judges, coaches & referees

fina synchronised swimming manual for judges, coaches & referees

fina synchronised swimming manual for judges, coaches & referees


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2009 – 2013 FINA SYNCHRONISED SWIMMING MANUALFOR JUDGES, COACHES & REFEREESSECTION IIFigure 326 – Lagoon Difficulty – 2.7Rule Book Description NV Diagrams Major Desired Actions1. A Somersault Front Pike isexecuted to the Submerged BalletLeg Double Position.12.012.01. See BM 3 and BM 4.2. Maintaining the vertical line of thelegs, the hips are lifted as the trunkunrolls to assume a VerticalPosition.3. One leg is lowered to a KnightPosition.21.0 2. The body unrolls under the legsto assume BP 6 Vertical Positionalong the same perpendicular lineestablished by the legs in the BP5b Submerged Ballet LegDouble Position.21.5 3. See BP 17 Knight Position.Horizontal alignment of hips andshoulders ‘square’ and maintainedduring lowering. Height andvertical alignment of legsmaintained. Stability and controlevident.4. The vertical leg is lowered toassume a Surface Arch Position,with continuous motion a SurfaceArch to Back Layout Finish Action isexecuted.20.511.04. See BM 5. BP 13 Surface ArchPosition should be shown, butnot held. Feet join, then surfacingaction begins.2009 – 2013 FINA Synchronised Swimming Manual <strong>for</strong> Judges, Coaches & Referees 110

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