fina synchronised swimming manual for judges, coaches & referees

fina synchronised swimming manual for judges, coaches & referees

fina synchronised swimming manual for judges, coaches & referees


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2009 – 2013 FINA SYNCHRONISED SWIMMING MANUALFOR JUDGES, COACHES & REFEREESSECTION III6. JUDGING EXECUTIONSimply put, Execution is how well the competitor does whatever is done. TheExecution score is the major part of the Technical Merit score, counting <strong>for</strong> 50% inSolos and 40% <strong>for</strong> Duets and Teams. Judges need to remember that half, or almosthalf, of the total TM score is based on how well the competitor is able to executeevery action - strokes, propulsion techniques (sculling and kicking), figures andhybrids, transitions, boosts and jumps, stacks and lifts, plat<strong>for</strong>ms, floats, patterns andpattern changes. Execution includes what is done at, above and below the surface ofthe water.Judges Consider:1. EXECUTION of strokes and propulsion techniques.! Maximum efficiency with minimum ef<strong>for</strong>tJudges look <strong>for</strong> efficient, effective strokes and kicks. This includes smoothflutter kicks with front crawl and backstroke (no knees breaking onbackstroke), appropriate kicks with sidestroke and breaststroke, andefficient eggbeater with all vertical position stroking.! Well-defined linesArm positions should be well defined, extended when appropriate, withclear angles of arms and hands. Head and shoulder positions should bewell defined <strong>for</strong> strokes and in alignment <strong>for</strong> sculling. Stroke entry into thewater should be efficiently completed. Lack of sharpness and accuracy inDuets and Teams must be considered an Execution error and not poortiming.! HeightStrokes with eggbeater kick should have shoulders and armpits wellabove the surface. Crawl and backstroke arms should be lifted cleanlyfrom the water. All horizontal stroking should have the body at or near thesurface with the feet just below the surface.! Strength, power, energy levelStroking, kicking and sculling must be strong and powerful to providestrong support <strong>for</strong> weight held above the surface of the water and <strong>for</strong>efficient, effective propulsion throughout. There should be evidence of ahigh energy level with no loss of power, speed or height throughout theroutine. A measure of strength and power of a routine’s propulsion is thedistance it covers - at senior level, usually 20-30 meters per minute ofchoreography.2009 – 2013 FINA Synchronised Swimming Manual <strong>for</strong> Judges, Coaches & Referees 153

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