fina synchronised swimming manual for judges, coaches & referees

fina synchronised swimming manual for judges, coaches & referees

fina synchronised swimming manual for judges, coaches & referees


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2009 – 2013 FINA SYNCHRONISED SWIMMING MANUALFOR JUDGES, COACHES & REFEREESSECTION IIIDUET ELEMENT 6Boost - a rapid head-first rise, with a maximum amount of the body above the surface of the water. Botharms must be lifted at or above the shoulder line as the body reaches maximum height. A descent isexecuted until the competitor is completely submerged. [DD 1.7]Handbook Description Basic Position Basic Move Desired Actionsa) Boost - a rapid head-first rise,with a maximum amount of thebody above the surface of thewater.1. Beginning of the rise may be at or beneath thesurface.2. Speed in the rise.3. Control in the maximum height.Handbook Description Basic Position Basic Move Desired Actionsb) Both arms must be lifted at orabove the shoulder line as thebody reaches maximum height.1. When maximum height is reached by thebody, the two arms are also at maximum height.2. Position of arms is optional.Handbook Description Basic Position Basic Move Desired Actionsc) A descent is executed until thecompetitor is completelysubmerged.1. Manner of descent is optional.2. Descent of the whole body and the whole twoarms must arrive completely under the surface.ScoresCriteria9 to 9.9 8 to 8.9 7 to 7.9 6 to 6.9 5 to 5.9 4 to 4.9Excellent/NearPerfectVery Good Good Competent Satisfactory DeficientSpeed/ControlFast; Control inmaximum height.Fast; Lesscontrol inmaximumheight.Lessspeed, lesscontrol inmaximumheight.Less speed,lack of controlin maximumheight.Less speed, nocontrol inmaximumheight.Not enoughspeed, nocontrol inmaximumheight.Dynamic HeightAt crotch(air between thelegs).Crotch to midpelvis.Top ofpelvis.Waist. Lower ribs. Arm pit.DescentCompletesubmergence afterthe descent.Completesubmergenceafter thedescent.Lesscontrol inthedescent.Irregularity inthe descent.Irregularity inthe descent.Irregularity andtravel in thedescent.2009 – 2013 FINA Synchronised Swimming Manual <strong>for</strong> Judges, Coaches & Referees 237

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