fina synchronised swimming manual for judges, coaches & referees

fina synchronised swimming manual for judges, coaches & referees

fina synchronised swimming manual for judges, coaches & referees


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2009 – 2013 FINA SYNCHRONISED SWIMMING MANUALFOR JUDGES, COACHES & REFEREESSECTION IIIHandbook Description Basic Position Basic Move Desired Actionsc) with no loss of height one legis rapidly lowered to a FishtailPosition and without a pausethe horizontal leg is rapidly liftedto a Vertical Position.1. Fishtail Position(BP8)Body extended inVertical Position, withone leg extended <strong>for</strong>wardat a (90° angle to thebody) the footof the <strong>for</strong>ward leg is atthe surface, regardless ofthe height of the hips.2. Vertical Position(BP6)Body extendedperpendicular to thesurface, legs together,head downward. Head(ears specifically), hipsand ankles in line.1. Vertical body and leg alignmentmaintained throughout.2. One leg lowered rapidly until thefoot hits the surface.3. The leg raised rapidly returning tothe Vertical Position.3. Both legs remain fully extendedthroughout the action.4. Constant height is desirable.5. Height should be judged from thelevel of the hips in relationship to thesurface.Handbook Description Basic Position Basic Move Desired Actionsd) followed by a rapid 360° Spin. 1. Vertical Position(BP6)All points as in 2 above1. A Spin is a rotationin a Vertical Position(BP6).2. The body remains onits longitudinal axisthroughout the rotation.3. Unless otherwisestated, spins areexecuted in a uni<strong>for</strong>mmotion. (BM11)4. A Descending Spinmust start at the heightof the vertical and becompleted as the heelsreach the surface.5. Unless otherwisespecified, a DescendingSpin is finished with aVertical Descent.6. Maintaining aVertical Position, thebody descends along itslongitudinal axis untilthe toes aresubmerged. (BM10)1. Height and locked positionattained be<strong>for</strong>e the spin begins.2. The longitudinal axis runs throughthe centre of the body and isperpendicular to the surface of thewater.3. The rotation and descent are at thesame tempo as the thrust.4. Stability and vertical alignmentbe<strong>for</strong>e, during and at the completionof the rotation.5. Simultaneous rotation and descentof the body, with even drop spaces, tocomplete the spin as the heels reachthe surface.6. Amount of rotation of 360° Spinmust be exact.7. Movement completed with avertical descent until the toes aresubmerged.7. 360° Spin: aDescending Spin with arotation of 360°.(BM13e)2009 – 2013 FINA Synchronised Swimming Manual <strong>for</strong> Judges, Coaches & Referees 224

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