fina synchronised swimming manual for judges, coaches & referees

fina synchronised swimming manual for judges, coaches & referees

fina synchronised swimming manual for judges, coaches & referees


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2009 – 2013 FINA SYNCHRONISED SWIMMING MANUALFOR JUDGES, COACHES & REFEREESSECTION IIITEAM ELEMENT 7Rocket Split is executed to an Airborne Split Position, maintaining maximum height the legs are lifted toa Vertical Position as Twirl is executed with a rapid Vertical Descent. ( DD 2.6.)Handbook Description Basic Position Basic Move Desired Actionsa) Rocket Split is executedto an Airborne SplitPosition1. Back Pike Position(BP11)Body bent at hips to <strong>for</strong>man acute angle of 45* orless. Legs extended andtogether. Trunk extendedwith the back straight andhead in line.2. Vertical Position(BP6)Body extended,perpendicular to thesurface, legs together,head downward.Head(ears specifically),hips and ankles in line.3. Airborne SplitPosition ( BM16b)Legs evenly split <strong>for</strong>wardand back. The legs areparallel to the surface.Lower back arched, withhips, shoulders and headon a vertical line. 180*angle between theextended legs (Flat Split)with inside of each legaligned on opposite sidesof a horizontal line. Legsare above the surface.Rocket Split(BM11)Thrust ( BM 9)From a SubmergedBack PikePosition with thelegs perpendicularto the surface, avertical upwardmovement of thelegs and hips isexecuted as thebody unrolls toassume a VerticalPosition.Maintainingmaximum heightthe legs are splitrapidly to assumean Airborne SplitPosition.1. Once established in the Back Pike Position(BP11), the degree of angle should not changeprior to initiation of the unrolling action.2. The body unrolls under the legs to assumeVertical Position along the same perpendicularline established by the legs in the Back PikePosition.3. Maximum height and Vertical Positionachieved simultaneously.4. Speed of action.5. Without loss of the height the legs are split toAirborne Split position.6. Flat split.7. Full extension throughout the movement.8. Judgement made by checking visual points ofthe vertical alignment: ear, shoulder joint, hipjoint, and ankle.Handbook Description Basic Position Basic Move Desired Actionsb) maintaining maximum heightthe legs are lifted to a VerticalPosition as Twirl is executedwith a rapid Vertical Descent.1. Vertical Position(BP6)As above.Twirl (BM12c)a rapid rotationof 180* atsustained height.1. Simultaneous lift of leg and Twirl.2. Full extension maintained throughout.Vertical Descent(BM10)Maintaining aVerticalPosition thebody descendsalong itslongitudinal axisuntil toes aresubmerged.3. No loss of height during the Twirl.4. Speed kept throughout.2009 – 2013 FINA Synchronised Swimming Manual <strong>for</strong> Judges, Coaches & Referees 251

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