fina synchronised swimming manual for judges, coaches & referees

fina synchronised swimming manual for judges, coaches & referees

fina synchronised swimming manual for judges, coaches & referees


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2009 – 2013 FINA SYNCHRONISED SWIMMING MANUALFOR JUDGES, COACHES & REFEREESSECTION IIIHandbook Description Basic Position Basic Move Desired Actionsc) followed by a Half Twist in thesame direction.Half Twist (BM12a)1. A Twist is arotation at asustained height.2. The body remainson its longitudinalaxis throughout therotation.3. Half Twist is aTwist of 180◦.1. Water line remains constant during therotation. Stability and alignment of positionevident be<strong>for</strong>e, during and upon completion ofthe Twist. Amount of height is judged by therelationship of the hip joint to the surface of thewater, with credit given to maximum height.2. The longitudinal axis runs through the center ofthe body and is perpendicular to the surface ofthe water. On-the-spot rotation around this axis.3. The rotation must be precisely 180°.4. See the desired actions of the VerticalPosition (BP6) as in b) above.5. When a Twist is more or less than the amountspecified, the judge shall take it intoconsideration when awarding a score. A penaltyshall be applied only when the error results in adifferent Twist as defined in the FINA Handbook.Handbook Description Basic Position Basic Move Desired Actionsd) A Twirl is executed in theopposite direction;Twirl (BM12c)1. A Twist is arotation at asustained height.2. The body remainson its longitudinalaxis throughout therotation.3. Twirl is a rapidTwist of 180◦.1. See the desired actions of the Half Twist(BM12a) in c) above.2. See the desired actions of the VerticalPosition (BP6) in b) above.3. The rotation must be precisely 180◦.4. Definite increase in speed.5. Stability of body alignment and water lineduring and after the completion of the Twirl.2009 – 2013 FINA Synchronised Swimming Manual <strong>for</strong> Judges, Coaches & Referees 239

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