fina synchronised swimming manual for judges, coaches & referees

fina synchronised swimming manual for judges, coaches & referees

fina synchronised swimming manual for judges, coaches & referees


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2009 – 2013 FINA SYNCHRONISED SWIMMING MANUALFOR JUDGES, COACHES & REFEREESSECTION IIBM 16 Vertical Descent to Dolphin CircleRule Book Description NV Diagrams Major Desired Actions1. A Vertical Descent is executeduntil the hips reach the quarter pointof the circle, and with continuousmotion, the head leads the bodyback onto the circumference of acircle into a Dolphin Arch and theDolphin continues.14.0 1. See BM 10Vertical Descent.Without hesitation, the head leadsthe body parts sequentially backonto a circle, with a BP 12Dolphin Arch Position beingachieved as the feet reach thequarter point of the circle.BM 17 Dolphin Foot First to VerticalRule Book Description NV Diagrams Major Desired Actions1. The toes reach the three quarterpoint of the circle, and withcontinuous motion, the bodystraightens to Vertical Position asit rises along its longitudinal axisuntil a water line is establishedbetween the ankles and hips.14.0 1. Without hesitation, the feetlead the body parts sequentiallyoff the circle. See BP 6 VerticalPosition. Upward motion stopsas the body reaches a level atwhich its vertical height can becontrolled.BM 18 Vertical Descent to Dolphin Foot First CircleRule Book Description NV Diagrams Major Desired Actions1. A Vertical Descent is executeduntil the toes reach the threequarter point of the circle.2. The toes lead the body backonto the circumference of the circleinto a Dolphin Arch as the DolphinFoot First continues.14.0 1. See BM 10 Vertical Descent.8.0 2. The feet lead the body partssequentially back onto the circle,with a BP 12 Dolphin ArchPosition being achieved as thehead reaches the 3/4 point of thecircle.2009 – 2013 FINA Synchronised Swimming Manual <strong>for</strong> Judges, Coaches & Referees 72

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