fina synchronised swimming manual for judges, coaches & referees

fina synchronised swimming manual for judges, coaches & referees

fina synchronised swimming manual for judges, coaches & referees


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2009 – 2013 FINA SYNCHRONISED SWIMMING MANUALFOR JUDGES, COACHES & REFEREESSECTION IIISOLO ELEMENT 612. 307e - Flying Fish Spin 360° [DD 3.2]Handbook Description Basic Position Basic Move Desired Actionsa) From a Back LayoutPosition, the legs are raised tovertical as the body issubmerged to a Back PikePosition with the toes just underthe surface.1. Body in Back LayoutPosition (BP1) extendedwith face, chest, thighsand feet at the surface.2. Head (earsspecifically), hips andankles in line.1. Legs are lifted as the bodysubmerges.2. Legs and body fully extended.3. Legs as close to the chest aspossible without sacrificing thestraight line alignment of theextended spine and head.4. Full extension of the legs, anklesand feet.5. Back flat, with ear, shoulder joint,middle side of torso, and hip jointaligned.6. Once position is established, thedegree of angle remains constant.7. Lift of legs is slower than the thrust.Handbook Description Basic Position Basic Move Desired Actionsb) A Thrust is executed 1. Body bent at hips to<strong>for</strong>m an acute angle of45° or less.2. Legs extended andtogether.3. Trunk extended, withthe back straight andhead in line. (BP11)1. From a Back PikePosition (BP11) withlegs perpendicular tothe surface, a verticalupward movement ofthe legs and hips israpidly executed as thebody unrolls to assumea Vertical Position(BP6).2. Maximum height isdesirable. (BM9)1. Once established, the degree ofangle should not change prior toinitiation of the unrolling action.2. The unrolling action starts with thetoes just under the surface.3. The body unrolls under the legs toassume Vertical Position along thesame perpendicular line establishedby the legs in the Back PikePosition.4. Obvious increase in speed ofaction must be evident.5. Maximum height and VerticalPosition achieved simultaneously.6. Height should be judged by thelevel of the hips above the surface ofthe water.2009 – 2013 FINA Synchronised Swimming Manual <strong>for</strong> Judges, Coaches & Referees 223

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