What Color Is Your Parachute 2018 by Richard N. Bolles copy

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COLUMN 7 Now, in Column 7, both of you can combine your Column<br />

4 with Column 6, on your respective worksheets. Combine the two lists<br />

in this manner: first your partner’s top favorite geographical factor<br />

(“a”), then your top favorite geographical factor (“1”), then your<br />

partner’s second most important favorite geographical factor (“b”), then<br />

yours (“2”), etc., until you have twenty favorite geographical factors<br />

(yours and your partner’s) listed, in order, in Column 7. Both of you are<br />

now working on the same list.<br />

SHOW AND TELL (for two people). For now, don’t work on all<br />

twenty; narrow it down to the top ten in column 7, and list these on a<br />

blank sheet of paper. Then both of you should show that list to everyone<br />

you meet, for the next ten days, with the same question as above: “Can<br />

you think of any place that has these ten factors, or at least the top five?”<br />

Jot down their suggestions on the back of the sheet. When the ten days<br />

are up, you and your partner should look at the back of your sheets and<br />

agree on which three places look the most interesting to the two of you.<br />

If there is only a partial overlap between your dream factors and the<br />

places your friends and acquaintances suggested, make sure the overlap<br />

is in the factors that matter the most to the two of you, i.e., those at the<br />

top of your list in Column 7.<br />

COLUMN 8 Now you have THE names of places that you will want to<br />

find out more about, until you are sure which is the absolute favorite<br />

place to live for both of you, plus your second, and your third, as<br />

backups. Enter in Column 8.<br />

Finally, both of you should put the names of those top three places,<br />

plus your top five geographical factors, on to Petal 7, the Preferred<br />

Place(s) to Live petal, on both of your Flower Diagrams, this page.

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