What Color Is Your Parachute 2018 by Richard N. Bolles copy

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Conversation Tip #2<br />

An interview (or series of interviews, there) should be prepared for,<br />

before you ever go in. Naturally, you want to go into the interview(s) with<br />

this employer curious to know more about you, but the employer is first of<br />

all curious about what you know about them. Do a lot of research on them<br />

before you go in. Why? Because organizations love to be loved. If you’ve<br />

gone to the trouble of finding out as much as you can about them, before<br />

you interview with them, they will be flattered and impressed, believe me.<br />

So don’t skip this step. It may make the difference between your being<br />

hired, or not being hired. Find out everything you can about them. Google<br />

them. Go to their website if they have one, and read all their press releases,<br />

plus everything there that is hidden under the heading “About Us.” If this<br />

organization is local, and your town has a public library, ask your local<br />

librarian for help in finding any news clippings or other information about<br />

the place. And, finally, ask all your friends if they know anyone who ever<br />

worked there, or works there still, so you can take them to lunch or tea or<br />

Starbucks and find out any inside stories, before you approach the place.<br />

(And, of course, maybe after you hear these stories you’ll decide not to<br />

explore them any further. Better to know that now, than later.)

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