A Manual of the Pwo Karen Dialect Author: Charles Harry Duffin * A ...

A Manual of the Pwo Karen Dialect Author: Charles Harry Duffin * A ...

A Manual of the Pwo Karen Dialect Author: Charles Harry Duffin * A ...


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173. It was so dark that I had to carry a lantern.<br />

ဆၧခံ ၭထီးဒၪလ့ ၬ ယဘၪလ့ ၩဆိၬ မ့ ၪဒိၩ့ကဖျိၪ့လီၫ.<br />

174. It is my duty to go.<br />

ဆၧလၩ့ဘၪယၧၩ လၧယကလ့ ၩလီၫ.<br />

175. Some persons have already begun ploughing.<br />

ၦကနၩ့နၩ့ စၭထၪ့ @ဆံ ၭလၩ့ဆၧယူၭလီၫ.<br />

176. He came behind me quietly and hit me on <strong>the</strong> head.<br />

အဝ့ ၫဂဲၫခူၥူၪ လၧယလးခဲၫ့ ဒဲ ဒိၪယခိၪဎွ ံ ၪလီၫ.<br />

177. I was struck on my forehead.<br />

ယဘၪဆၧဒိၪ လၧယမ့ ၬတဒၧၩ့ခိၪလီၫ.<br />

178. A friend told me that when he was going to his field, he saw a shoal <strong>of</strong> fish.<br />

ယၥိၭလဂၩ လီၩဘၪယၧၩ ထီးအဝ့ ၫလ့ ၩထၪ့လၧဆံ ၭဖၧၩ့အခၫနီၪ အဝ့ ၫဒၪဘၪ ယၪထၪ့လပၩ@လီၫ.<br />

179. He did not catch a single one, but said if he had had a "dah" in his hand he could have killed and got a<br />

lot.<br />

အဝ့ ၫဖီၪ့န့ နးဘံ ၪ့အ့ ၬ. လါနၫ့ စံ ၭဝ့ ၫ ဎ့ ၬအ့ ၪအီၪလၧအစူၪဖၧၩ့တၭ ကျီၪ့ဝ့ ၫကန့အၪအၪလ့ ၬလီၫ.<br />

(43)<br />

180. If you fish with a hook <strong>the</strong>y will not bite <strong>the</strong> hook.<br />

အ့ ၪနအၪ့ခွ ့ၫ လါနၫ့ အဲၪ့ခွ ့ၫအ့ ၬ.<br />

181. I have seen it many times but when I went fishing it has been in vain.<br />

ယဒၪဘၪအၪကၠၪ လါနၫ့ ထီး ယလ့ ၩအၪ့ခွ ့ၫနီၪ ကဲၪဆၧပျီၩပျီၩလီၫ.<br />

182. When you see it you get excited but you can do nothing.<br />

ထီး နဒၪနၥၭကွ ံ ၩ လါနၫ့ နမၩၥ့ ၪနးမံ ၩ့အ့ ၬ.<br />

183. I have to separate from you.<br />

ယဘၪလၩ့ဖၭ လၧနၧၩလီၫ.<br />

184. Can your dog swim?<br />

နထွ ံၪနီၪ ယါထံ ၫၥ့ ၪဧၪ.<br />

185. He cries continually <strong>the</strong> whole day.<br />

အဝ့ ၫဂၪ့ကနံၩၥံ ၫ့နံၩချီၩ့.<br />

186. You must change that.<br />

နဘၪအၪ့လဲၩဆၧနီၪ လီၫ.<br />

187. We have no cause to fear in your reading and writing.<br />

နဖီဆၧ ဒဲ နကွ ့ၭဆၧနီၪ ပၥၭမဲၪဆၧ အလးအီၪအ့ ၬ.<br />

188. It rains suddenly.<br />

ဆၧဆၧၩ့ ၡုၭလီၫ.<br />

189. It's building cost Rs. 80,000.<br />

လၧအၥု ၪ့ဝ့ ၫနီၪ လူၬ စ့ ၩဎိၬလၬလီၫ.<br />

190. He bought it for Rs. 45,000.<br />

အဝ့ ၫဎွ ့ၩဝ့ ၫလၧ စ့ ၩလံလၬယဲထီၫ့လီၫ.<br />

191. He got it very cheap.<br />

အဝ့ ၫန့ဘၪ အဎွ ့ၩဘၪနၭလ့ ၬ.<br />

192. When I was a child <strong>the</strong>re were not many houses here.<br />

လၧယဖိၪၥၪအိၩထီးယီၩ ယံ ၪ့အီၪအၪအၪအ့ ၬ.<br />

193. Thirty years ago in <strong>the</strong> Town, land which you bought for Rs. 6,000 you must now pay Rs. 60,000.<br />

လၧဝံးဖၧၩ့အနံၪ့ၥၧၫ့ဆံ ၫအိၩ ဂၪ့ခိၪလၧနဎွ ့ၩ လၧစ့ ၩဎူၫထီၫ့နီၪ ဘိၩ့ယီၩ နဘၪဖ့ ၪလၫ့ စ့ ၩ ဎူလၬလီၫ.<br />

194. As <strong>the</strong> Burmans say, "The man who has got much money, money rega<strong>the</strong>rs <strong>the</strong>re."<br />

ဘဲၫၦဒီၩ့ဂိၩ စံ ၭဝ့ ၫအၥိၭ ၦလၧအစ့ ၩအီၪအၪနီၪ စ့ ၩထဲၩ့အီၪကီၪ့ ထီးနီၪလီၫ.<br />

(44)<br />

195. In India <strong>the</strong> wages <strong>of</strong> servants are not so great as in Burma.

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