A Manual of the Pwo Karen Dialect Author: Charles Harry Duffin * A ...

A Manual of the Pwo Karen Dialect Author: Charles Harry Duffin * A ...

A Manual of the Pwo Karen Dialect Author: Charles Harry Duffin * A ...


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နလ့ ၩ တခီၫခီၫလဲၪ.<br />

810. What is <strong>the</strong> difference between a steamer and a railway?<br />

လဲၪ့မ့ ၪ ဒဲ ကဘၩ့မ့ ၪနီၪ လၩ့ဆၫ့လိၭအၥၭ ဘဲၫၥ့ ၪလဲၪ.<br />

811. From <strong>the</strong> commencement <strong>of</strong> your service how much money have you saved?<br />

စၭထၪ့ လၧနမၩဆၧမၩနီၪ နဖၭက့ ၪကီၪ့ စ့ ၩ န့ဆံ ၭအၪလဲၪ.<br />

812. Why have you not called your follower?<br />

မွဲဘၪနီၪ နလဂဲၫကိၭန့ဘၪ နၥိၭလဲၪ.<br />

813. Which <strong>of</strong> <strong>the</strong>se places do you like?<br />

ဆၧအလးလဖၪယီၩ မု ၬနၥၭ တခီၫခီၫလဲၪ.<br />

814. Amongst fishes, which is <strong>the</strong> biggest fish?<br />

လၧယၪလဖၪအကျၩ မွဲ ယၪ ပလၫဎိၩထု ၬလဲၪ.<br />

815. The elephant is <strong>the</strong> biggest in <strong>the</strong> jungle (<strong>the</strong> outside).<br />

လၧခီၫ့လခီၫနီၪ ကဆၫ့မွဲအဎိၩထု ၬလီၫ.<br />

816. Nowadays children mostly like to eat lobsters.<br />

ဘဲၫနးမု ၪယီၩ ဖိၪဒံၩဖိၪၥၪၥံ ၪ အၪဒၪဆၧ အဲၪအၪ့ ၥဒၫ့ခီၩ့လီၫ.<br />

817. The red scorpion & black scorpion bite men very severely.<br />

ဆၧကဲၫ့မ့ ဒဲ ထံၭဘၩ့ဆွ ့ၪနီၪ အဲၪ့ ၦၡၩဆၫ နၭလ့ ၬလီၫ.<br />

818. The fell disease ('Samaraw') and plague are causes for fear.<br />

ဆၧဆၫမရီၪ ဒဲ ဆၧဆၫပလံၭနီၪ မွဲမၬ ဆၧလၩ့ၥၭမဲၪအလးလီၫ.<br />

819. Of <strong>the</strong> 'dhanni' leaf and '<strong>the</strong>kket,' which is water-pro<strong>of</strong>?<br />

ဒနံၭအလၪ ဒဲ ယံ ၩလၪနီၪ, ထိးဆၧဆၧၩ့ထံၫ, တခီၫခီၫလဲၪ.<br />

820. In <strong>the</strong> Church <strong>the</strong> Preacher beseeches God that every man may be <strong>of</strong> good health.<br />

လၧကဆါယွၩအဂံ ၪ့လဖျိၪ့အဖၧၩ့နီၪ ဆရၫအၪ့ကံ ၩ့ယွၩ ဘဲၫၥိၭၦကိၭဂၩဒ့ ၭ ကအီၪဆီၪ့အီၪချဲၫ့လီၫ.<br />

821. Men plant paddy and afterwards <strong>the</strong>y must reap it.<br />

ၦၡၩၥံ ၪလဖၪ ၥု ၪ့ဘု ၪ ဒဲ ထီးအထု ၬနီၪ ကဘၪ ကူၭထဲၩ့ဝ့ ၫလီၫ.<br />

822. Are <strong>the</strong>re frogs, fish and crabs in <strong>the</strong> sea?<br />

လၧပၪ့လဲၪဖၧၩ့နီၪ, ဒ့ ၪ, ယၪ, ဆွ ့ၪ လဖၪ ဘၪကအီၪဆ့ ဧၪ.<br />

823. Men use <strong>the</strong> doorian fruit & <strong>the</strong> lime in different ways.<br />

ဒူရၩၥၪ ့ ဒဲ စၩ့ြပၩၥၪနီၪ ၦၡၩၥံ ၪ ၥိၩ့ဝ့ ၫလဂၩ လမံၩ့လီၫ.<br />

824. Why do you speak against (oppose) me?<br />

မွဲဘၪနီၪ နချဲၩ့ဆၧၫ့ ယၧၩလဲၪ.<br />

825. Take care; don't speak like that again.<br />

ထီးလၩ့နၥၭ, ထီးခိၬခဲၫ့ ချဲၩ့ဆၧ ဘဲၫနီၪအၥိၭ လဂ့ ၩ.<br />

826. There is a bird whose voice is very sweet, but whose egg is acid.<br />

ထိၪဖိၪအီၪလဘံ ၪ့နီၪ အလူမု ၬနၭလ့ ၬ လါနၫ့ အဒံၪနီၪ ဆဲၫ့လီၫ.<br />

827. Some Churches <strong>of</strong> Christ have sprung up in Burma.<br />

ဎရံ ၬဖိၪ အၥရိၬ အီၪထၪ့ တဘျုၭဖျိၪ့ လၧခးဒီၩ့ဂိၩအဖၧၩ့ယူၭလီၫ.<br />

828. Work in this world is what God makes us do.<br />

ဆၧဖံ ၭဆၧမၩ လၧဂၪ့ခိၪချိၫ့ယီၩနီၪ မွဲ ယွၩဒု ၭမၩပၧၩလီၫ.<br />

829. Health is God's work (care).<br />

ဆၧအီၪဆီၪ့အီၪချဲၫ့နီၪ မွဲ ယွၩဆၧဖံ ၭဆၧမၩလီၫ.<br />

830. Greed generally causes man to fall.<br />

ဆၧလၧ ဆၧၥၭကွ ံ ၩ ဆၧကမံ ၩ့နီၪ အၪဒၪဆၧ ဒု ၭလၩ့ထံၩဖါ ၦၩ@လီၫ.<br />

831. Land for which a 'potta' is obtained should be marked out in <strong>the</strong> same manner as land hired.<br />

ဂၪ့ခိၪလၧအထိးန့ ပၭတၪလဖၪနီၪ, ဘၪခွ ံ ၬလၩ့ ဆၧထီးနဲၪ့ ဘဲၫၥိၭဂၪ့ခိၪလၧဘၪဆၧအၪ့လံၩ့ဝ့ ၫအၥိၭ နီၪလီၫ.<br />

832. Amongst all <strong>the</strong> Commandments Love is <strong>the</strong> greatest.<br />

လၧဆၧမၪလူၬ ထီးအလူၬအကျၩ ဆၧအဲၪဆၧကွ ံ ၩ အဒိၪထု ၬလီၫ.<br />

833. How deep can you fix a stick into <strong>the</strong> ground?

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