A Manual of the Pwo Karen Dialect Author: Charles Harry Duffin * A ...

A Manual of the Pwo Karen Dialect Author: Charles Harry Duffin * A ...

A Manual of the Pwo Karen Dialect Author: Charles Harry Duffin * A ...


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အဝ့ ၫလၧအကဘၪ အီၪလၧထီၫ့ဖၧၩ့ ဒဲ ဆၧမၩဆီၪ့ဆီၪ့ လၧလၩဎူၫဘံ ၪ့အထးဖၧၩ့လီၫ.<br />

No. 3.<br />

My dear Cousin.<br />

Through God's grace I, my parents, my wife and children are all well; I hope that your family also are happy.<br />

Day before yesterday I heard that Government are going to increase <strong>the</strong> land-tax and I am sorry that <strong>the</strong> tax<br />

will fall heavily on you. Have your two children, who go to school, reached <strong>the</strong> higher standard yet? Tell <strong>the</strong>m<br />

that year by year <strong>the</strong> work will increase greatly. Has your wife's child been born? Your luck is good, is it not?<br />

Did you derive any pr<strong>of</strong>it from <strong>the</strong> sale <strong>of</strong> your paddy this year? O<strong>the</strong>r people have all derived benefits.<br />

ယတခွၫၥၭဘီၩ့ဧ့<br />

မွဲလၧယွၩအခိးအတၩအကၠ ီၩ့ ယၧၩဒဲယမိယဖါယဖိၪယမၫၥံ ၪ အီၪဆီၪ့ ဂ့ ၩဘၪစဲၪ ထီးအလူၬလီၫ. ယ ဆိၫ့ နၧၩ ဒဲ နဂံ ၪ့ဖိၪဎၩ့ဖိၪၥံ ၪ<br />

အီၪမု ၬအီၪၡုၫဝ့ ၪဒၪဆ့ ၬလီၫ. လၧတဂၪနံၩ ယနါဂၧၫ့ လၧၦဒိၪၥံ ၪကမၩအၪထၪ့ ဂၪ့ခိၪအခီၩ့တၭ, ယၥၭအု ၭလၧ နဂၪ့ခိၪနီၪ<br />

အခီၩ့ကလၩ့ထ့ ၬအၪအၪလ့ ၬအကၠ ီၩ့လီၫ. နဖိၪခွၫ လၧအလ့ ၩမၩလိၪ လံၬနံၫဂၩနီၪ, မွဲအမၩလိၪ လံၬထီၩ့အဖု ၫဖၭထီၫယူၭဧၪ. လီၩဘၪ အဝ့ ၫၥံ ၪ<br />

လၧလနံၪ့ဘၪလနံၪ့နီၪ ဆၧဖံ ၭဆၧမၩ ကအီၪထၪ့ အၪအၪလ့ ၬလီၫ. အ့ ၪမွဲ နမၫအဖိၪ လၩ့ဖျဲၪယူၭဧၪ. နၧၩယီၩ နဆၧဘိၪ့ဂ့ ၩနၭကၨ. ကနံၪ့ယီၩ<br />

နအၪ့ဆၫ နဘု ၪအထိၬနၫအီၪ ကဆံ ၭဆံ ၭဧၪ. မွဲၦဂူၫဂၩအခိးအတၩ အီၪ ကိၭဂၩဒ့ ၭလီၫ.<br />

No. 4.<br />

My dear mo<strong>the</strong>r,<br />

Today about midday I received your letter and I am very glad that you all are so well. I have received an order<br />

from Government to go to Upper Burma to Mogok; I have no wish to go because <strong>the</strong> cold is very great in that<br />

place; most <strong>of</strong> <strong>the</strong> people who go <strong>the</strong>re get fever; besides food is very scarce. I hear that <strong>the</strong> price <strong>of</strong> rice is<br />

Rs 16 a basket. I hope that if I ask for an increase <strong>of</strong> pay, I will get it. Tell my young bro<strong>the</strong>r not to be lazy<br />

in his studies; if he is lazy he will certainly repent it afterwards.<br />

ယမိၥၭဘီၩ့ဧ့<br />

ကနံၩယီၩ လ့ ၩဘူၭမု ထု ၪ့ခၫ ယန့ဘၪ နလံၬပရၧၫ့ကဘံ ၪ့တၭ, ယ ၥၭဎွ ံ ၫဒိၪမၬ လၧနၥံ ၪအီၪဆီၪ့ ဂ့ ၩဘၪစဲၪ ထီးအလူၬအကၠ ီၩ့လီၫ. ယဝ့ ၫဒၪ<br />

ယန့ဘၪယူၭ ၦဒိၪအလူ လၧယကဘၪလ့ ၩထၪ့ လၧခးဒီၩ့ဂိၩထၭလခီၫ လၧဝံးမိၩကူၭနီၪလီၫ. ယၥၭအီၪ လၧယကလ့ ၩနးဆံ ၭအ့ ၬ.<br />

မွဲလၧဆၧအလးနီၪအဖၧၩ့, ဆၧဂီးနၭလ့ ၬအကၠ ီၩ့, ၦအ့ ၪလ့ ၩထီၩ့နီၪတၭ, အၪဒၪဆၧဆူၪဂိၬလီၫ. လၧနီၪအမ့ ၬယၫ, ဆၧအၪ့ဆၧအီၩ ၡၩနၭလ့ ၬလီၫ.<br />

ဂူၫဆၫကဒၩ့ ယနါဂၧၫ့ ၦၡၩလီၩဝ့ ၫ, အနံၪ့မွဲ ကဆံ ၫဎူၫဘၭလီၫ. ယဆိၫ့လၧ ယအၪ့ကံ ၩ့အၪထၪ့ ယလံၩ့ကန့ဘၪလီၫ. လီၩဘၪ ယဖု ခွၫနီၪ<br />

ထီးအီၪက့ ၪကၠၧၪ့အၥၭ လၧအဆၧမၩလိၪလဖၪအဖၧၩ့ လဂ့ ၩ. အ့ ၪအီၪက့ ၪကၠၧၪ့အၥၭတၭ, လၧခဲၫ့ထဲၩ့ ကနီၫ့ယါလၩ့ထဲၩ့အၥၭ ၡါမၫလီၫ.<br />

No. 5.<br />

My dear Friend,<br />

I think it will be five months since I received a letter from you. Why don't you write to me? I think it is<br />

because owing to your having got a son you have become proud. As for me, I am now attacked by fever every<br />

day. Sometimes my head aches so much that I am not able to go to my work. In this town <strong>the</strong>re is not much<br />

water. Some persons have to go and draw water from <strong>the</strong> wells. The water in <strong>the</strong> big lake is almost completely<br />

finished. If <strong>the</strong>re is ano<strong>the</strong>r month without rain, it will be hard for <strong>the</strong> people <strong>of</strong> <strong>the</strong> town for drinking water.<br />

Yesterday I heard that a tiger had bitten a Native <strong>of</strong> India at Hmawbi. Is it true? In ano<strong>the</strong>r month I intend to<br />

pay you a visit.<br />

ယၥိၭၥၭဘီၩ့ဧ့<br />

ယလန့ဘၪ ဆၧပရၧၫ့လၧနအီၪ, ယဆီၫ့မီၪ့ ကအီၪလၩယဲဘံ ၪ့ယူၭလီၫ. မွဲဘၪနီၪ နလကွ ့ၭန့ဘၪယၧၩ လံၬ လဲၪ. ယဆီၫ့မီၪ့ မွဲလၧနန့ဘၪ<br />

နဖိၪခွၫကဂၩအကၠ ီၩ့ နအီၪက့ ၪထၪ့ထီၫနၥၭလီၫ. ယဝ့ ၫဒၪဘဲၫယီၩ, မွဲလၧ ဆၧဆူၪဂိၬထၪ့ ယၧၩအၪဒၪဆၧ လၩ့ဘူၭ ကိၭနံၩဒ့ ၭ, ဒဲ ဘၪလကၠၪကၠၪ<br />

ယခိၪဎွ ံ ၪယံ ၩ့ နၭနၭလ့ ၬအကၠ ီၩ့ ယလ့ ၩ လၧယဆၧမၩနၧၩ့အ့ ၬ. လၧဝံးဖၧၩ့ယီၩ ထံၫအီၪအၪအၪအ့ ၬ. ၦကနၩ့နၩ့ ဘၪ လ့ ၩဒု ၪ့ထံၫ လၧထံၫဖၧၩ့လဖၪလီၫ.<br />

ထံၫလၧကမၫဖၭဒိၪအဖၧၩ့နီၪ လၩ့ဘူၭလၧအလူၬယူၭလီၫ. အ့ ၪလဆၧၩ့ဘၪတၭ ဆၧကကၪလၧၦဝံးဖိၪၥံ ၪ ကအီၩထံၫအဂးလီၫ. လၧမု ဂၪနံၩ ယနါဂၧၫ့<br />

ဘီၪအဲၪ့ ခိၪလၩၥၧၫ့ကဂၩ လၧဝံးမီၫဘံ ၫနီၪ မွဲၡါမၫဧၪ. အီၪဒီၭ လၩနးဘံ ၪ့ ယၥၭအီၪ ယကလ့ ၩအီၪကွ ့ၩနၧၩလီၫ.

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